anonkin — Personality & Boosts

Kinance x Anon Kin
3 min readApr 5, 2023


At the Bank of Goblin Town (, there every Sunday you’ll find anonkin; a desperate gang of degenerates, chads, gigabrains, bots, bears & anons battling it out for new wife money

anonkin are all of us. Everything we’ve ever done in this beautiful space.

Let’s give a brief overview of what they’re about and what to look out for. We will go into further details soon on all the traits, the sub-traits & more, but of course that is all there to be figured out on the blockchain.

Personality Trait:

For those of you excited to play KinBet starting April 9th, this is the big trait you need to look out for right now. It, along with other traits (Speciality as one), have been designed to have utility down the line, but right now Personality is fully active for playing (and winning) KinBet starting April 9th.

Personality Types:

Anon — Chad — Bear — Bot — Gigabrain — Degen

Personality Special Powers for KinBit:

To note using Special Powers is optional. You can play as normal without using your Special Power.

Anon — Sorry to say it, anon, but you guessed it; Anon has NO special powers. It will be able to to play KinBet as normal, but won’t have any extra abilities

Chad — Chad Trader buys the dips, chills if ever under water & ignores all fud. To honour this all Chads have an extra 20x Leverage LONG ONLY (in place of the 15x standard)

Bear — King Bera; public enemy number one. The opposite of the Chad. All bears have an extra 20x Leverage SHORT ONLY (in place of the 15x standard)

Bot — Do they even know they’re a bot? Bots are always ahead of the game. All bots get an EXTRA 24 HOURS to submit their orders, letting you get a better idea of where the market is headed

Gigabrain — The devs, threadoors, github investigators know more than the rest of us. With this in mind, all Gigabrain anonkin get to choose from 5 tokens in each category instead of 4

Degens — Where would we be without the degenerates? Buying tops, smashing market buys on influencoors tweets, going all in on a rumour… To honur this Degens have a true wild card speciality. Degens are able to go ALL IN on 1 move.

Hit the “All In” button and your Degen will randomly select 1 coin, randomly select long/short and randomly select a token balance to truly go all in one move only. It could wreck you or it could be the make-it move

anonkin Boosts:

Your anonkin is a mixture of all sorts of personalities. Just like we are, anon. You can have a bit of anon, bear, chad, gigabrain, bot and degen all mixed into one. In boosts you will see these traits. Mostly anon with one or two other traits is most common. A pure anon is less common, but certainly not rare. What is truly rare is being 100% chad, degen, gigabrain, bot or bear. Or again still having a percentage of all 6 traits is as rare if not rarer still.

Right now for KinBet only your Personality affects in-game capabilities (As previously explained), but as we grow, so too will your anonkin and how it behaves in the world


Yes, you can win make-it money with KinBet, but would it all be worth it if you couldn’t publicly boast? If your anonkin places 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Top 10 or Top 100 a relevant trophy will be added to your NFT to capture your place in history. Along with this our dynamic leader board will all traders prove their worth and win bragging rights.

In our next anonkin article we will get into the rarity of traits such as head, eyes, speciality, suit, skin, background etc… We have carefully thought out truly varied anonkin for your enjoyment. We can’t wait to flesh all anons out further with both our plans and ideas+concepts thought up by our anonkin community.

