Watch Online You Gotta Love Frontend Conference 2015

Yogev Ahuvia
8 min readAug 17, 2015


On June 8th, 2015, You Gotta Love Frontend took place in Tel Aviv.
The world-class frontend conference hosted over 600 people from Israel and other countries, and has set an industry standard in terms of organization, content curation, world-class speakers and talk quality.

For those who didn’t get to attend the conference in person, listed below are each and every talk that were given throughout the 2-day event. We believe in spreading the knowledge, sharing and discussing matters that matter to all of us.

The talk videos are in the order they were given in the conference itself, so it feels like the real thing, well, almost. Don’t forget — there’s always a next year for attending You Gotta Love Frontend :)

Happy watching!

You Gotta Love Frontend 2015 Group Photo

Day 1

Douglas Crockford / Upgrading the Web

Douglas Crockford

The web was originally imagined to be a simple distributed document retrieval system. It is now being used for applications that go far beyond the system’s original capabilities and intentions. We have found ways to make it work, but they are difficult and far too fragile.
Many times companies have offered to replace the web with superior proprietary systems, but we rejected them. We have been adding features to the web, but this does little to correct the deep underlying deficiencies, increasing instead of reducing its complexity.
This talk suggests a way forward, taking inspiration from our successful transition from NTSC to HDTV. There is a way forward to a web that is safer, easier, and as good as we desire.

Gil Tayar / Old Gods & New: A Vision of Backend & Frontend

Gil Tayar

What would happen if we gave front-end developers the task of building a backend server that caters to their needs? What would it do? What capabilities would it have? How would it be different from the current backend servers, built by backend developers? I explore the possibilities and try to envision a future where the front-end developers are in charge of the servers that serve their own front-end code.

Phil Nash / The web is getting pushy

Phil Nash

The battle between native and web rages on. The browsers are fighting hard to tear down the benefits that native developers have relied on since the inception of mobile platforms. Geolocation, sorted. Accelerometer, done. Performance, we’ll come back to that. But one of the greatest draws for native developers has been push notifications, for the web, email alerts just don’t cut it. But now, new in browsers for 2015, is the Service Worker. Born out of the struggle to make the Appcache work for offline capable sites it has also brought the advent of push notifications to the web. Through building up an example application live we will see how to implement the Service Worker to not only serve up an app when we’re offline but enhance the online experience with push notifications. The battle may continue, but the web is definitely pushing back.

Shay Chen / Creepy frontend mistakes

Shay Chen

Front-end developers often leave loose ends, which allows malicious entities to take advantage of system users, collect data, locations and more. In this talk we will cover the risk of unsecured frontend applications, the potential vulnerabilities, we’ll go through a demo and recommend best practices everyone should implement.

Efim Dimenstein & Itai Chejanovsky / Bringing it all together

Efim Dimenstein & Itai Chejanovsky

There are hundreds of different technologies and libraries, but how do we put all of them together to build a complex, multi team, enterprise grade web application? In this talk we will share the “recipe” for building such a product from design, architecture and tools. We will also share tips and lessons we have learned while building such a product.

Serge Krul / Leading a Front End Development Team

Serge Krul

Whether you’re the head of a flock or its whipping tail — chances you were a part of a team at some point in your career. Which qualities have made your experience any better or worse? What to expect from the leader? How to make it tick and pave the road to communal and personal prosperity in a world of constant change? What’s love got to do, got to do with it?

Yelena Jetpyspayeva & Vladimir Grinenko / BEM — Building ‘em modular

Yelena Jetpyspayeva & Vladimir Grinenko

Every web developer, designer or manager who supports huge project or tries to reuse some parts of HTML + CSS anywhere else sooner or later will face with the same issues and most likely come to the idea of componentized web. It’s rather popular now and was even described as a W3C standard Web Components. But how exactly new are the new ideas and how useful is its realization? In the frontend world since Internet Explorer 5.5 a lot of developers know and use BEM methodology that was created to solve exactly the same problems. During years of use it formed its own huge ecosystem that includes technologies, tools, libraries and active community. It is built and developed by developers within Yandex and outside that use it everywhere both in small such as promo page for a cat and high loaded projects such as Yandex services and They are well aware of the problems that developers face.

Martin Kleppe / The Aleph

Martin Kleppe

The JavaScript world has seen stunning demos in 1024 bytes, crazy hacks in 140 characters and esoteric sequences of only 6 different symbols. This talk will push the limits even further and reveal, how to write invisible code and singularities: Hidden programs that will generate new worlds out of a single character.

Day 2

Lea Verou / The missing slice

Lea Verou

Think of the humble pie chart. Simple and ubiquitous, yet surprisingly difficult to create with Web technologies in a flexible, maintainable way. Faced with this simple goal, Lea will take you on a colorful interactive journey through several aspects of CSS and SVG and will sweep you off your feet with clever ways to use them. At the end, you will have your pie and animate it too, but do not be fooled: the real takeaway of this talk has little to do with pie charts and a lot to do with problem solving via the tools the Open Web Platform offers us today.

Benjamin Gruenbaum / io.js and the future of server side JavaScript

Benjamin Gruenbaum

io.js is a drop-in replacement for node.js and is compatible with nearly all the modules in npm. io.js is a community driven open source project. It was started by the primary contributors to node.js but in the first few months attracted more active developers than the node.js project has had in its entire history. In this talk we’ll explore the new features of io.js through how they were contributed by the community. We’ll go through my actual contribution process (from issue to specification to pull request to landing) of a feature and explore the new and upcoming features of backend and frontend JavaScript through open source contribution and show how to can get involved and why one should be involved.

Alexander Kotliarskyi / React Native: Under the Hood

Alexander Kotliarskyi

React Native is a new open source framework by Facebook that enables software engineers to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React. In this talk we’ll do a deep dive into technical details about how React Native works. We’ll talk about asynchronous bridge that serves as communication channel between JavaScript and platform code and how React fits into this model.

Alex Wolkov / Coding Your Company Culture

Alex Wolkov

There are aspects of your workplace’s culture that are out of your control (salaries, benefits, office location). However, there are also some things you can start doing today to influence and enhance your company culture. Alex will showcase how to use your coding skills to improve company culture, with a variety of fun and creative examples.

Or Hiltch / Binary Data Adventures in Browser JavaScript

Or Hiltch

Recently browsers have been introduced with interesting tools for work with binary stream of data. Technologies like XHR2 and File API allow us to fetch binary blobs from urls and the file system, and from there, a whole new world is opened before us: we can use Media Source Extensions to implement live streaming audio/video protocols like DASH and HLS, WebRTC to transmit data P2P bittorrent style, WebGL to draw shapes from arrays of binary position data, and more. Furthermore, using technologies like asm.js and tools like Emscripten to transpile C++ code to JavaScript, we can do amazing things with all of the above, and achieve superior performance. In this talk we’ll explore some of these techniques, and learn about how we are solving interesting problems with them.

Igal Steklov / Landing your dream job as a FED

Igal Steklov

Nowadays the demand for Frontend developers is higher than ever. Plenty of offers and interesting positions. So getting hired as a FED should be easy, right? The answer is that this is depending on the position you’re aiming for and what you’re bringing to the table. Different companies look for different profiles. We will map the talents currently looked for by the industry, as well as explore how you should navigate your career in order to become the go-to-guy (or gal) at your organization. By the end of the talk, you will know how to choose the right path in order to make yourself attractive in the job-dating world, so that head-hunters will be targeting you.

Eran Zinman / BOOM Performance — the required ingredient for any successful web product

Eran Zinman

Client performance is what shapes your product and determines the satisfaction of your users. Users don’t expect things to happen fast, they expect things to happen immediately. In the presentation we will cover some real-life examples of how to greatly improve performance in web products and share a lot of tricks and cool stuff we’ve learned along the way.

Thanks for watching!
- YGLF Team



Yogev Ahuvia

Front-End Engineer @Facebook • Former Front-End Architect @Fundbox • Co-founder @YGLF_IL •