From Choppers to Quadcopters: The Evolution of Aerial Imaging Technology

Joshua King
3 min readMay 4, 2024


Dear cloud-gazers! When you look up at the sky and admire those breathtaking aerial shots, you might be forgiven for wondering just how pictures are taken from the air. In this journey through the clouds, we will trace the development of aerial imaging technology, from the choppers that carry cameras with roaring propellers, to the drones — or quadcopters, to give them their proper name. Strap yourself in, folks: we’re going for a bumpy ride.

Imagine this: it’s the 20th century, and aerial photography is as wild and unruly as the sky. Pilots sit strapped into helicopters, like explorers on some derring-do expedition, swinging clunky cameras about, fingers crossed. It is as dangerous as it is exhilarating, each shot a challenge weighing skill against nerves.

Wait a second, what’s that in the sky? It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… a quadcopter? I know, I know, we went where no helicopter could go. But tech never stops. One fine day that helicopter started to morph into something sleek and high-tech, uncannily like that bird! But with technology came more opportunities and more challenges. How would we pilots navigate this new terrain of quadcopters and take good pictures?

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I can already see you shaking your head. ‘But,’ you cry, ‘isn’t this just tech for tech’s sake? Aren’t drones just toys for geeks?’ Brace your aviator shades, kiddo, because these babies are serious. Agile in flight, encased in robust exoskeletons, mounting aerial HD cameras, quadcopters have single-handedly revolutionized the way we view the world from above. So forget those doubts, and come along for the ride!

But how best to utilize these busy little machines in order to propel our efforts forward, and to make it easier and cheaper to capture higher-quality data? This is the gist of our inquiry and, in the next couple of minutes, I hope to provide at least some of the answers. To start with, reviewing the history of aerial imaging is important because the approach to creating maps changes with the technology. With an understanding of drone evolution, image-capturing is far easier and less time-consuming. Finally, a brief discussion of the fundamentals of flight and camera operations will help to put the whole effort into perspective, enabling you to sit back and relax as the drone does all the work.

There’s more to find. As the wave of aerial photographs and discussions about their meaning and power crested, a ‘new’ viewing practice emerged. Like the long-defunct aerial-camera surveys themselves, some of the most fascinating stories have languished in the archives, unrecognized as late-stage episodes in the 20th-century evolutionary saga of using cameras to capture our world. It hides in plain sight. We’ve just started to learn how to ‘read’ aerial imagery, even for simple things such as a photograph’s orientation and the direction from which it was captured. We haven’t yet seen the full breadth of the sky.

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In summary, my friends, what started as choppers and has rather choppily moved to quadcopters, is a boom today. With technology making the once-unthinkable today, we’re on the cusp of a new photography era. Let’s fly into it together with great aerial images. Hope to fly again soon!

