Several Tips to Improve Bathing Pleasure

Mark Kim
2 min readAug 3, 2022


After get off work or a day of play, a bath can not only relax the body but also heal the mind and remove irritability. A relaxing bath is a simple pleasure, and I think it’s worth everyone’s time to enjoy. Here are some tips to make bathing more enjoyable and artistic.

1. Use bath salts or bath bombs

Bath salts can help exfoliate dead skin from your heels, elbows, and ankles, which not only smoothens your skin but also improves blood circulation. You can see bath bombs for sale on various online sites, and they come in a variety of shapes and cute looks. Use them in conjunction with a massage to make your bathing ritual more ritualistic and relaxing.

2. Add a Tub Rack

The wood-panel shaped bathtub rack is perfect for placing in the bathroom to enhance the ambience. You can place some books, magazines, towels or art pieces on it. That way, you can read some relaxing books while you soak in the shower, which is great for lifting the brunt of the day.

3. Pair with a cup of refreshing tea or juice

We can imagine bath time as a vacation, and having an appealing drink within easy reach will enhance your soaking experience and keep you well hydrated. For example, bring a pot of herbal or fresh herbal tea or try a bottle of water infused with mint, cucumber slices or lemon. On many social media, many bloggers are teaching everyone how to make a good-looking and delicious drink, so give it a try.

4. Use a shower tray

As we know, no matter how beautiful the clothes are, some people will not like them. There are some people who prefer to bathe with the shower head instead of the bathtub. This category of people can consider adding a stainless steel shower tray or ceramic shower tray to the shower, and of course there are many other materials. Shower trays promote water flow into the openings to prevent blockages, and some have bumps to massage the soles of your feet. You can enjoy a relaxing bath without using a bathtub.

5. Remove clutter from the bathroom

Taking out the useless is just as important as adding the useful, so take the time to clear out empty bottles, jars, and other clutter around the sink and tub. Store excess product in a nearby cupboard or box with a lid. A tidy space can relax you mentally.

6. Put on soothing music

Listening to music is a pleasure in itself, especially when combined with bathing. Set up a playlist before taking a shower, and you can have both body and ear enjoyment. It’s worth reminding that be sure to keep any electronic devices out of the tub if you don’t want to lose one.

