The Environmental Benefits of Scrap Car Removals

3 min readMar 17, 2019


There are billions of cars on the planet. They will all permanently break down eventually. What will become of all those broken down junk cars? Do they just all end up at a junk yard, stacked up on top of each other? This is an important question to ask, because the environment’s well-being is important, and with climate change just around the corner, now more than ever.

When we are through with a plastic bottle, we put it in the recycling bin. Is there a car recycling bin? No, there isn’t. But there are companies who have the main purpose of recycling vehicles. And they are doing it for the good of the environment. This means that cars don’t simply pile up. Instead, all the materials that exist on that vehicle will be re-used.

scrap car removal service in Auckland

Waste is Reduced Thanks to Auto Wreckers

If you dispose of a salvage car using a method that will not involve recycling, you are wasting a whole bunch of resources. You are throwing out perfectly good steel, along with a whole host of other metals. These metals can still be used, as well as the glass, plastics, rubbers, and other materials. It is important to not waste these materials by throwing them out and not recycle them.

Less Mining Is Needed

Metals are produced via the process of mining them from the ground. This process requires a whole lot of energy, and releases a massive amount of pollution, not to mention carbon dioxide. By ensuring that metals are recycled, we are making the need for the process of mining less than it would be otherwise. If all the metals that are currently in vehicles were to be recycled, the mining industry would be significantly reduced.

This is where the Car Wrecking industry comes in to save the day. They take our scrap vehicles, and they make sure that every last metal and other material is recycled properly.

Pollution from Toxic Fluids is reduced

Vehicles that are no longer being used for some or other reason will still have specific fluids in them. They still have such materials and substances in them as engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, battery acid, and perhaps even some petrol left over. These fluids will find a way to leak out of the car somehow, usually by degradation of the inner functions of the vehicle.

These fluids will get into the soil, and from there they will get into the ground water. Auto wrecking companies make sure that these fluids are also recycled, or disposed of properly.

Sell your Junk Car to Auto Removal Company

Get in touch with your local car removal Auckland service. If you have a scrap vehicle and you live in the North Island, you need to get in touch with them. They will buy that vehicle off you, no matter what the condition is, or what make or model it is. Don’t leave it on your lawn, or in your garage. Get top cash for it!




Scrap Car Buyers Auckland — We offer up to $7000 cash for cars in any condition and free junk car removal.