The 3rd House AMA in KSHW

9 min readFeb 21, 2024


The third AMA session in our Discord proceeded very clearly, and we observed an enhancement in the quality of questions compared to the previous AMA. It proved to be a valuable and informative time for everyone involved. We appreciate all of you for joining!

The objective of the House AMA was to provide the community with a deeper understanding of our plans and other relevant information. We carefully selected and addressed a total of 15 questions. Now, let’s dive into these questions. Thank you!

Hello community members! It’s been a while, and I’ve missed you all.

As promised, we’re back with an AMA after the beta phase, and we plan to engage with the community regularly.

In February, a new team member joined, she is Da Qiao, our new community manager, with her diverse experience in the Web 3 scenes will help our project grow. Please give her a warm welcome when you see her.

I’ve heard rumors about my death and team changes, but rest assured, these are FUDS. We are stronger than ever, and there’s no need to worry. Let’s start the AMA!

  • Question from <ner4402>

Are the in-game rewards for holders of Origin Heroes based on the quantity being held by a player? More origin heroes held by a player means more in-game rewards. Thank you for rewarding us holders! LFG!

A: The chances of winning a reward in our raffle aren’t tied to how many epic heroes a player holds. Instead, having more origins NFTs gives a player a better shot at winning with the raffle of USDC + bKID. We also announced in-game item airdrops through random snapshots, and we’ll provide details to our community in a separate announcement. The exclusive benefits for holders of the origin epic hero were decided promptly based on community feedback. The decisions were made quickly for players.

  • Question from <diegomora>

Have you thought about the idea of an alternative marketplace for buying/selling resources between players?

A: We’ve considered making the marketplace more fun by allowing the trading of all in-game assets. In particular, trading diverse equipment could add excitement, especially considering some items are hard to obtain. However, this is a long-term plan for us, as we have other priorities alongside enhancing the marketplace. Thank you for your interesting suggestion and question!

  • Question from <kyone_3440>

According to the tokenomics in the whitepaper 5% of the total $KID (50,000,000 KID) is allocated to reward participants in the beta service and early community members. With CEX listing coming soon the following question arise: What will be the criteria to consider “early community members” elegibility and what actual % of the allocation will they get?

A: Identifying “early community members” is straightforward. Starting from the closed beta test, we’ve been rewarding early participants with beta KID tokens, known as bKID. In the beta version, anyone can earn bKID while playing. Users can trade our NFTs with bKID and participate in the emperor’s recruit. We’re offering various options to users with utility. The decision to use bKID will be up to the user’s preference. Early users started from CBT will be “early community members”.

The exact percentage is not finalized, but we’re considering distributing around 3%, which is substantial in the early stages. This is a great opportunity to start farming them now!

  • Question from <cee_beeee>

KSHW is a very amazing game. My concerns or questions are for new players like me. What will be your plans for the new players in this game who didn’t get a chance to participate in every event? didn’t have an origin, were legendary, or were epic heroes. How can we catch up and be motivated to continue playing the game? What will be our advantage if we just start this game today? Many of the members here are old players, but what about those of us who just started this game? Can we still catch up, or are we eligible? Will you give some big or juicy rewards for new players who play consistently for weeks or months?

A: New users often face challenges when getting started in KSHW and other games due to entry barriers. That is the reason why we’ve introduced blockchain technology to the game, allowing players to buy NFTs for well-trained heroes. This makes it simpler for players to build their decks through trade in MP. Furthermore, we’re actively working to reduce entry barriers through special events designed for new users, including attendance events and rewards with Da Qiao’s gift event.

However, we acknowledge that those who joined later might feel a bit behind. To address this, we’re balancing the situation by setting a maximum level for monarchs. We always check users’ detailed information every day to ensure fairness. By this kind of balancing, we believe users who started late can still catch up. And in the future, we might run a special roulette event for marketing that gives everyone a fair chance.

  • Question from <roland_43263>

Does the team plan to adjust the ladder rewards shortly to make them more competitive? For example: Instead of rewarding the top 1000 with sapphire, only the top 100 will receive sapphire and from 101–1000 will be rewarded with gold ingot.

A: Regarding the ladder match rewards, they may change periodically depending on the project status. For instance, after token listing or marketing efforts, if there’s a significant increase in users and it gets crowded, changes might be considered. I can’t guarantee specific details right now, but the team is actively planning changes positively.

  • Question from <shinratensie_67924>

KSHW is a great game, retention rate of players is also crucial in gaming. As of now playing the game the goal is to be on top to farm sapphires and nfts to sell on marketplace. What more can KSHW offer to attract more players or retain more players in the long run.

A: Absolutely! It’s a fantastic game, and I appreciate your kind words. Player retention is indeed crucial, and we completely agree. Currently, the main goal for players is well explained by you. However, we plan to enhance the utility of our NFTs and ensure a balanced distribution. With the launch of our gov token and its value set after listing, player retention will increase with more earning opportunities. Our commitment is to continually make the value of all assets in Kingdom Story: Heroes War.

  • Question from <>

What’s the utility for Normal Legendary heroes? is all Origin will be part of Staking when the Staking System released? Hopefully we can balanced the utility of Normal Legendary and Origin Legendary to have more value in the future.

A: The utility for Normal Legendary heroes is straightforward — they are stronger than other normal heroes. Not every NFT needs complex utilities like origin heroes. Diverse rarities make our game more accessible for players.

We are planning to balance heroes, ensuring each has a stable value based on their power.

  • Question from <aliyah0233#6314>

1Now that we burned many sapphire and will continue to do so, to prepare for listing in Q2. are we going to make another campaign where we can be rewarded with sapphire or bkid(TGE) to prepare for the listing or team is okay with the daily output of the ladder match?

A: We upgraded the utility of sapphire to offer more choices to players. They can aim for legendary origin heroes or the governance token. Additionally, users can trade their NFTs with bKID to get more of our Gov token.

We are considering whether to hold an event for users who contributed to the game during the CBT and Beta periods.

  • Question from <dimilokis>

Is there already in mind a possible exchange rate between kid/bkid that will be airdropped? If its lets say, its 1 kid for every 10 bkid, will the ingame shop and future emperor recruit events be adjusted accordingly? I dont know if i’m being clear enough with my question. If its this 1/10 rate, will the draw in emp event cost 10 instead of 100?1

A: The exchange rate isn’t set yet. We’ll finalize it based on the number of bKid holders and the amount they hold before the airdrop. The exact ratio will be announced just before the airdrop through a separate announcement. Keep your eye on it — it’s a good time to gather bKID now!

  • Question from <gaskt>

A chance of achieving a better balance between comps exists? With nerfs/buffs, given that currently the Shu comp is far superior to all others.

A: We hear your feedback about hero and nation balance. We’re working on it by introducing more heroes for all nations. The reason for the current imbalance is that we’re regularly updating with new heroes, and we can’t do it all at once. Share your thoughts in our Discord feedback channel! We are checking it every day, and with the nerf/buff balance update, we are considering it.

  • Live question from <alphakidinweb3>

I dont have a problem for long term plan but, what i want to know is how will the project will attract new users because i see that the referral system has been proven effective when calling some new members so does the team also consider the referral system when it comes on marketing strategy? also, what are the rewards for this one

A: For the marketing part since our listing is planned in the Q2 in our road map, we have lots of plans such as integration with exchanges wallet can be upgraded as a marketing strategy for us, and with the influencer marketing we are still doing it right now, we have recently done some marketing with Brazil, our main marketing will happen right before our token listing Our team is planning to develop a program for the referral system in the future we will update everyone when the information is ready. The raffle system will be updated in a separate announcement in the future.

  • Live question from <superfire08>

Q2. Do you have plans on enforcing KYC to address multi accounts that exploits the game in terms on farming inggots and other resources?

A: For the multiple accounts our team is already aware of this issue, our team addressed this issue by implementing LVL 40 before minting, and also users can only mint 1 per day as we posted the announcement. In the future, there will be more updates to implement regarding this one.

  • Live question from <Pitchblack>

Team, i see a membership nft, I would like to know about your plan for this one, cause i dnt see this on our roadmap i wonder what is this.

A: Membership NFT will be very unique, membership NFT will help our users growth from the beginners to the advanced level, this will be a limited supply, and our team has no plan to put more numbers for this one. At the moment we are not going to spill more information since at the moment this is not our priority for now.

  • Live question from <stephensiong>

Hi, team. Here are some question
1) can you explain the Heroes NFt circulation system improved?
2) in H2, there is a new in-game event. Will it be guild war or championship?

A: 1. We have a recent update for this to make it slow, we want our NFT to make it more valuable, and we are also planning for more utilities in the future, You can check our recent announcement in the #obt-notice for the changes.

2. This will be announced separately for new content. Please stay tuned.

  • Live question from <DeanNit>

I would like to know if I am eligible to get an airdrop for Q2.

A: Everyone can still join right now to get the airdrop before the token listing, We are welcome new ones to play our game especially new users who want to play our game, a lot of ongoing events happening right now and we have also a weekly event, the barrier is not that much hard to reach level 40 for you to be able to mint your desire heroes.

Thank you all for joining the AMA today; it was a fun time. I always enjoy communicating with members in our community. Feel free to tag me when you have more questions on Discord. And one thing that I want to share with you all today.

There will be a big update with the world championship next week. A massive sapphire reward will be provided for players, and I strongly suggest you all keep your eye on the announcement channel. Look forward to it; detailed information will be announced soon.

Kingdom Story: HEROES WAR
Kingdom Story: HEROES WAR is an NFT-collecting RPG expanding on the global hit that garnered over 5 million downloads based on the well-known Romance of Three Kingdoms, Kingdom Story. It’s a paradigm-shifting free-2-play Strategic Development NFT game. Possessing an intricate system built atop a rich narrative, it seeks to redefine P2E and birth a new era of P2E+. The core team combines 7 years of game development experience to build a Web3 ecosystem prioritizing users while being able to leverage existing original character-collecting RPG gamers.

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⚔️ Paradigm-Shifting Free-to-Play Strategic Development NFT game. Redefining P2E: A New Era of P2E+! Ex. #Gunbound 🔫 & #Wolfteam 🐺