The Digital Collectable that Donates Cryptocurrency to Wildlife Conservation Charities is LIVE!

Kingdom Token
2 min readOct 7, 2019


“It’s human nature to speculate on the value of collectable assets, we all hope to profit, but the future of the animal kingdom and its diversity shouldn’t be left to speculation. Let the cryptocurrency community come together and make a real difference whilst going to the moon!”
David Haynes — Founder of Kingdom Token.

Kingdom Token has created digital collectable tokens that represent the world’s most endangered species.

25% of initial sales are donated to wildlife conservation charities.

This is an incredibly exciting and innovative use of cryptocurrency. An industry that rarely incorporates charitable giving into the business model. The fact that this is an integral part of Kingdom Token will likely be a key factor to it’s success.

There’s a limited number of each token (full list can be found here), and even then each tokens has to be discovered in a ‘Safari Event’ prior to becoming available. The limited supply and availability combined with the anticipated demand makes for a mouth-watering investment prospect.

The hype has been building around this project for a number of weeks and this is shown in the sheer number of sign-ups to the newsletter. It’s an exciting time to be a part of this project!

The first Safari Event discovered just 21 tokens across 18 different species. These are now available to buy via OpenSea or the Kingdom Token website.

Tokens discovered:
Dingo (x2)
Black Footed Ferret
Sloth Bear
Mountain Plover (x2)
Sri Lankan Elephant
Leatherback Turtle
Pallas’s Cat
Eastern Imperial Eagle
Silvery Gibbon
Greater one-horned Rhino
Artic Fox
Sumatran Tiger
Andean Mountain Cat (x2)

If you see an animal you want to collect, act now to avoid missing out! It may be months before they are seen again on a Safari Event.

See the Marketplace & Buy Now

Be sure to join the movement and sign up to the mailing list on the website to avoid missing out.

Make an investment. Make a difference.



Kingdom Token

By participating in the Kingdom NFT ecosystem you will help protect the only one that really matters.