Learning SQL with Python: A Beginner’s Practical Guide

Mikael Kingelin
3 min readOct 5, 2023


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a fundamental skill for anyone working with databases, and when combined with Python, it becomes a powerful tool for data manipulation and analysis. In this practical guide, we’ll take a hands-on approach to learning SQL with Python, starting from the basics and providing you with step-by-step tutorials using SQLite, a lightweight database engine.

1. Setting Up Your Environment

Before we dive into SQL and Python, let’s set up your environment:

  • Install Python: If you haven’t already, download and install Python from python.org. Ensure you add Python to your system’s PATH during installation.
  • Install SQLite: SQLite is a self-contained, serverless, and zero-configuration SQL database engine. You can download the SQLite command-line shell from sqlite.org.
  • Python Libraries: Install the sqlite3 library, which comes pre-installed with Python, making it easy to work with SQLite databases.

2. SQL Basics

Let’s start with SQL fundamentals:

  • Creating a Database: Using the SQLite command-line shell, you can create a new database with the .open command. For example, to create a database called "mydata.db," run: .open mydata.db.
  • Creating Tables: In SQL, tables store your data. Create a table using the CREATE TABLE statement. For instance:
CREATE TABLE employees (     id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,     name TEXT,     age INTEGER,     department TEXT );
  • Inserting Data: Use the INSERT INTO statement to add data to your table:
INSERT INTO employees (name, age, department) VALUES ('John Doe', 30, 'HR');
  • Querying Data: Retrieve data using the SELECT statement:
SELECT * FROM employees;

3. Python and SQLite Integration

Now, let’s connect Python with SQLite:

  • Import the sqlite3 Module: In your Python script, import the sqlite3 module to access SQLite functionalities.
import sqlite3
  • Connect to a Database: Establish a connection to your SQLite database:
conn = sqlite3.connect('mydata.db')
  • Create a Cursor: A cursor allows you to execute SQL commands in Python:
cursor = conn.cursor()
  • Execute SQL Commands: Execute SQL commands using the cursor. For example, to fetch all rows from the “employees” table:
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM employees") rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows:     print(row)
  • Commit Changes: After making changes to the database, don’t forget to commit them:
  • Close the Connection: Always close the connection when you’re done:

4. Practical Exercises

Practice makes perfect. Here are some exercises to reinforce your SQL and Python skills:

  • Create a new database and table.
  • Insert multiple rows of data into the table.
  • Write SQL queries to filter and retrieve specific data from the table.
  • Update existing records in the table.
  • Delete records from the table.

5. Learning Resources

To deepen your SQL and Python knowledge, explore these resources:


Learning SQL with Python is an accessible and practical skill that opens doors to various data-related fields. By setting up your environment, grasping SQL basics, integrating Python with SQLite, and practicing with hands-on exercises, you’ll build a solid foundation for your journey into data manipulation and analysis. So, roll up your sleeves, dive in, and let SQL and Python empower your data-driven ambitions. Happy coding!



Mikael Kingelin

AI Specialist & Tech Enthusiast | Unleashing the Power of Language | Exploring AI, Tech Trends & Creative Solutions | Let's Shape the Future Together 🚀