What are the 7 types of health?

2 min readFeb 12, 2023


The 7 dimensions of health are often referred to as the 7 types of health:

Physical Health: refers to the state of the body and includes aspects such as exercise, nutrition, sleep, and hygiene.

Emotional Health: relates to a person's ability to manage their emotions, stress, and mental health.

Social Health: involves the quality of relationships and social support, including family, friends, and community.

Intellectual Health: encompasses a person's ability to learn, think critically, and make informed decisions.

Spiritual Health: concerns a person's sense of purpose, belief systems, and values that provide a sense of meaning and fulfillment.

Environmental Health: refers to the impact of the environment on an individual's health, including access to clean air and water, safe housing, and a healthy work environment.

Occupational Health: involves finding a healthy balance between work and leisure, and a fulfilling career that aligns with personal values and goals.

Overall, these 7 dimensions of health are interconnected and impact one another, and maintaining balance and wellness in each of these areas is important for overall health and well-being.

What are 10 types of health?

Physical health: refers to the body's overall well-being, including physical fitness and the absence of disease or injury.

Mental health: refers to a person's emotional and psychological well-being, including their ability to manage stress, emotions, and relationships.

Sexual health: refers to a person's overall well-being in relation to their sexual and reproductive health, including their sexual activity and their ability to have children.

Environmental health: refers to the impact of the environment on a person's health and well-being, including air quality, water quality, and exposure to toxins.

Nutritional health: refers to the impact of diet on a person's health, including their ability to obtain essential nutrients and maintain a healthy weight.

Social health: refers to a person's relationships with others and their ability to form meaningful connections and interact with others in a healthy and positive way.

Spiritual health: refers to a person's sense of purpose, connection to something greater than themselves, and their values and beliefs.

Intellectual health: refers to a person's ability to engage in critical thinking, solve problems, and continue learning and growing throughout their life.

Occupational health: refers to a person's health and well-being in relation to their job and work environment, including their ability to perform their job tasks effectively and without injury.

Financial health: refers to a person's financial stability, including their ability to manage their money effectively and plan for the future

Social. Social health means finding satisfying interpersonal relationships, friendships, and community. ...

Spiritual. Spiritual health is a groundedness and peace between the physical and psychological. ...

Physical. ...

Occupational. ...

Nutritional. ...





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