Meme Oscillator Mark I

King Prawn Pepe
3 min readSep 26, 2023


In conjunction with our first exchange listing, we’re launching a state-of-the-art Prawn King Dapp courtesy of the world’s leading engineers, top marine biologists and Elon’s personal chef. This Dapp is one of several mechanisms being worked on to help transition the public out of useless green tokens and into useful orange ones.

After many months of research and development, Pepe The King Prawn has come up with the ultimate solution to the meme culture’s dilemma: an intricate and complex device capable of converting the useless green frog tokens into new, shiny, extremely useful and utility packed, orange Prawn tokens in honor of the one true King. Essentially, this invention receives green frogs, processes them in ways that are far too complex to explain, then disperses on the other end fresh and juicy prawns.

This device, carefully studied and rigorously tested, allows everyday holders of the fake green nonsense token to abandon the sinking, green ship and begin supporting the meme that started us down this two-decade journey of memery and togetherness. Worry not frens for this device, although highly complex, is accessible to all, making the onboarding process seamless while turning rags to riches.

In addition to converting false Pepe tokens into real ones, we’ve carefully calibrated this apparatus so that for a limited time only those exchanging frogs for shrimp shall receive an additional 5% tokens per swap. This bonus is however limited and the faucet will only last so long so just as in life: first come first serve. To the victor goes the spoils.

The bottom line is we can no longer afford to support the wrong ideals or people. We must uphold and support only the purest of people and proven ideologies. We must begin abandoning the old ways of thinking and move forward as one. The bar must be raised. The green frog has produced nothing of value since release, letting down its holders. While the King Prawn produces this incredible contraption in less than a week.

If you have not already, join us in celebrating the original and thankless efforts put forth by one Bill Barretta. A man responsible for creating numerous characters, including but not limited to the original Pepe. It is unfortunate that Matt has gone down the path he now walks, proving himself unworthy of the space’s attention and support; while Bill asks for nothing, having given us so very much.

We therefore all have an obligation to exchange our useless, green Kermit-look-alike tokens for the inevitable and highly useful orange, Shrimp tokenz.

Those that are first to seize this opportunity will be most glad they did in the coming weeks.

