🔥Firebase setup in Flutter

Rittik Soni
2 min readMar 23, 2024


Supercharge Your Flutter App in Minutes with Firebase: A Step-by-Step Guide

Want to supercharge your Flutter app in minutes?

Firebase is the answer! This video will show you the fastest and easiest setup process. Check it out here:

This blog post will be a guide to integrating Firebase with your Flutter app quickly and easily. By following these steps, you’ll be able to set up Firebase and leverage its features to enhance your app’s functionality within minutes.


  • A Flutter project
  • A Firebase account

Step 1: Create a Firebase Project

  1. Head over to the Firebase console and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Click on “Create Project” and give your project a name.
  3. Choose your account and click on “Create Project”.

Step 2: Install FlutterFire CLI

  1. Install the Firebase CLI by following the instructions provided in the video description or by searching for “FlutterFire” on Google.
  2. Once the Firebase CLI is installed, log in using the same account you used to create your Firebase project.

Step 3: Activate FlutterFire CLI

  1. Copy the command provided in the video to activate FlutterFire CLI.

Step 4: Configure FlutterFire

  1. Run the flutterfire configure command. This will fetch all the projects linked with your Firebase account.
  2. Select the project you want to configure with your Flutter app (in this case, the one you created earlier).
  3. Choose the platforms you’re developing for (e.g., Android, iOS) and hit enter.
  4. FlutterFire will automatically set up your Firebase for the chosen platforms.

Step 5: Add Firebase Core Package

  1. Copy the command provided in the video to add the Firebase core package to your project.

Step 6: Initialize Firebase

  1. Import Firebase into your main.dart file and copy the initialization code provided in the video. Make sure to make it asynchronous as it's a future.

Step 7: Create a Sample App

  1. The video recommends creating a sample app to test your Firebase integration. You can name it however you like (e.g., myApp).


Congratulations! You’ve successfully integrated Firebase with your Flutter app. This paves the way for you to explore the various features that Firebase offers to enhance your app’s functionality. Check out other videos for more advanced tutorials on King Rittik's YouTube Channel.

Additional Notes:

  • Remember to rerun the flutterfire configure command if you make changes mentioned in the video to your Firebase project or your Flutter app.
  • This blog post provides a brief overview of the process. Refer to the video for a more detailed explanation with visual guidance.

I hope this is helpful!

#flutter #firebase #mobileAppDev #flutterfire

