Kingsleigh Cristobal
4 min readOct 16, 2023
Synthesizing Practical Research

Synthesizing Practical Research

Definition of Research

Development is word invented by the linguistics to describe an upgrade or enhancement from an old situation or status pertaining to the physical, social, mental, financial, and many more sorts of condition of an individual or organization in the society. Thus, in order to achieve development, exploring will play a vital role to extend the subject’s boundary and limitation. Another form of exploration is the so-called Research. Research is a laborious method of examining problem or concern using scientific process (Fleetwood, 2023) ; it is done to reveal new knowledge, solve societal problems, and invent new products, apps, and services (Moxley, 2021). Moreover, it is a process of inquiring and collecting data, documentation of crucial information, and analysis and interpretation of data, in accordance, with befitting methods set by specific professional fields and academic. ( Hampshire, 2022)

Effects of Research to the Students

Research will aid to clarify complex concept and figures. For instance, if a student is having some doubt on a certain subject, he may conduct a thorough research and study in details to elicit any queries and get a comprehensive understanding of the matter. (Reddy, 2016)

The value of research is highly appreciated by thriving institutions; therefore, these organizations will spend hefty amount of money to obtain necessary data. A learner’s academic research experience will be beneficial on planning future research endeavors. (UPES, 2023)

Gaining new knowledge is a result of completing a research topic, another is receiving educational prosper. Through finishing and publishing a research paper, one will earn academic credits, scholarship, stipends, or awards. (Gibson, 2023)

Reading and writing are the main skills needed for crafting a quality research; thus, if a student will immerse himself to researching, these skills are greatly sharpened. Reading serves as a mind-opener for an infinite horizon of knowledge, and writing for expressing own view in a constructive way. (Azim, 2020)

Students who are conducting research frequently are inclined to identify which information is more valuable. The more researching is done from the same topic, the higher chances of determining which data is accurate and which is not. Subsequently, it also helps to discern gray areas where information maybe technically correct but is used to draw questionable conclusions. (Huberty, 2023)

Research challenges leaners to construct unprecedented questions, formulate strategies for testing proposition, inspecting information, and presenting findings. Furthermore, students will gain insights for rationale reasoning, tolerate ambiguity, and are aware of the world’s intricateness. (Erickson, 2001)

One of the obvious effects of research begins in the classroom. The accessibility to know how the original study of a research was performed is helpful whenever examining a phenomena in class. Students who are engaged to research firsthand will easily understand the rationale underlying other’s research. For instance, only when a hypothesis is formed does one truly experiences the difficulty of making research design and better conceptualize course material. (Madam, 2012)

Different Types of Researching Skills

In order to produce an exceptional research paper, the researcher should posses and excel the following skill-sets:

- Data Analysis

A good research paper often has accurate data to answer profound problems or questions, thus , requires proper data analysis skill. Data analysis is a procedure of eliminating, modifying, and processing unused data and extracting substantial information. It is a skill that lessens incompetent decision-making through giving insights and statistics, presenting charts, images, tables, and graphs. (Kelley, 2023)

- Experimental Skills

Researching is not only used for describing and comprehending phenomena, but as well as experimenting variables; hence, scientist skill or commonly known as experimental skills is one of the vital abilities that an excellent researcher should have. Experimenting skill is the ability to perform experiments, mainly, questioning, articulating hypothesis, determining and data manipulation, operationally defining those variables, making a fair experimental design, and interpreting the out-come of the experiment. (NARST, 2018)

- Communication Skills

A befitting researcher should have able to present his findings, comprehensively. Thus, a smooth presentation stems from having good communication skill, such as, the capabilities on active listening, observing and speaking. (Birt, 2022)

- Writing Skills

One of the basic skills in carrying-out a research is writing which assists the researcher on starting and finishing the paper. It does not just include shear physical writing, but as well as, planning and outlining, editing, revising, decency in spelling and grammar, and organization of components of the writing process. (Kaplan, 2023)

- Critical Thinking Skills

A key to become a successful researcher is the availability to think independently or being a critical thinker. Critical thinking is the capacity to distinguish credible data sources, gather and study information, usually follows a clear methodology based upon agreed objectives, analysis result and presenting an argument and insights based on this analysis. (Manchester, 2023)

- Time Management Skills

A path to a smoother and efficient researching is equal time distribution spent on processing every parts of paper. Time management is defined as deliberate actions aimed at the effective use of time to achieve specific, goal-directed activities. (Claessans, 2007)

- Inductive Reasoning Skills

Someone who peaks at ruling-out reasons through observation is a sign of a high-tier researcher. Inductive reasoning is a method of logical thinking that combines observation with experiential information to reach a conclusion. (Herrity, 2023)

To sum up, research is a scientific version of exploration involving survey distribution, data processing and interpretation, and presentation of results. Moreover, various skills are required to fashion a top-class research paper like comprehension of data, the knowledge to conduct experiments, social skills, writing proficiency, being resourceful, a time experts, and rational reasoning. In return, better understanding of different concepts, job opportunities, educational benefits, being well-literate, able to scope weighty information, and openness are feasible for the students.

Kingsleigh Cristobal

Aspiring English Essayist and Researcher. I'm not looking for fame, but rather in-search of my academic writing improvement.