Kingsley Ezioma Triumphant
4 min readJul 11, 2022


Growing up in an African home, a child can relate that proverbs are constantly used in the home by the parents. Either it was spoken through indigenous language(Igbo, Yoruba or any other tribe) or in English and the most complicated thing about proverbs is that you can’t understand it requires critical thinking, reflection, and experience.

The most common one used is “what an elder sees while sitting down. A child can see it even if he climbs the tallest tree..” This is normally used when advising the youth by a much older person. This proverb implies that the older you become there’s an advancement you're exposed to, the implications of some Arless decision, consequences of actions and can tell what will road will lead to where that because of their experiences. But as a novice young boy or girl you can’t tell, so parents often use that proverbs to relate to their children. My parents use proverbs a lot. He was a typical ohafiha man from Abia state. My dad will not begin what he wants to say without starting with this statement “my father says.. Or my people say…” well that because our parents were trained with proverbs passed down from generation to generation. There was nothing like the technology age in the time, they were not formally educated, that is to say, they were illiterate. Proverbs are wisdom sayings that contain truths and are usually short. Proverbs are used for setting arguments between people, disputes between communities,inspiration and to give advice to the young.

There are 50 examples of African proverbs

  1. If one finger brought oil, it soiled the others.
  2. The snail does not move without its shell.
  3. He who wants gold must dig deep.
  4. A toad doesn’t run in the daytime for nothing.
  5. A baby on it mothers back does not know that the way is long.
  6. A cock is owned by one man, but it crows to the whole village.
  7. A child that grows tall does not mean is mature.
  8. Pregnancy is an open thing, it can’t be hidden with the hands.
  9. One must surely use the stairs if one surely must climb to success.
  10. There’s no shortcut to success.
  11. Big fishes are never caught in swallow water.
  12. Any decision taken in haste has its regrets.
  13. Only the woman knows who the father of the child is.
  14. A person who asks a question doesn’t lose his way.
  15. A patient dog eats the fatter bone.
  16. A stubborn fly follows the dead boy to the grave
  17. If the crow refuses to crow, the day will still break.
  18. One has to be able to deal with bees before getting honey.
  19. Do not give me fish, teach me how to catch fish.
  20. A fly does not enter a closed mouth.
  21. Time waits for no one, it is one that waits for time.
  22. It is better to see than be told.
  23. The best way to improve one’s memory is to lend people money.
  24. Those who speak to you about others will speak to others about you.
  25. a what an elder sees sitting down cannot be seen by a child even when he climbs a tallest tree.
  26. One man’s food is another man’s poison.
  27. Never fight a stranger in the dark; he might turn out to be your brother.
  28. If a madman takes your clothes while you are bathing and flees, if you pursue him naked, then people will call you mad as well.
  29. What comes easily goes easily.
  30. All fingers are not equal.
  31. The cost of peace is high, but it is worth the price.
  32. Peace never exists wherever jealousy is prevalent.
  33. Destiny can be delayed, not denied.
  34. When you shelter an arm robber,you will be his next victim.
  35. A basket can not hold water.
  36. A tree does not wither immediately when it is cut down.
  37. You shouldn’t wash your hands before using the toilet.
  38. Only a stupid traveller starves his horse of water.
  39. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
  40. Empty vessels make the loudest noise.
  41. Two heads are better than one.
  42. United we stand, divided we fall.
  43. You cannot stop the rain that is already failing.
  44. A lier does not know the listener’s reasons.
  45. Eat alone, die alone.
  46. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.
  47. When a tricky man dies, a trick man buries him.
  48. Even an ant can hurt an elephant.
  49. All ten fingers cannot be put in the mouth at once.
  50. A short man hangs his bag where his hand can reach.



Kingsley Ezioma Triumphant

An Educationist | Author | Web Developer & Design Specialist | Psychologist | Entrepreneur