Symposium “Resistance Training in Young Athletes”

1 min readDec 8, 2017


Written by Adamantios Arampatzis, Holger Gabriel, Urs Granacher and Christian Puta


The German Federal Institute for Sport Science (BISp) and the KINGS- research consortium host a symposium on “Resistance Training in Young Athletes” at Humboldt-University Berlin from June 22nd to 23rd, 2018.
Coaches, researchers in the field, performance directors and those interested in the topic are warmly welcome.

Renowned scientists from Great Britain and Canada will provide keynote lectures on the topic “Resistance Training in Young Athletes”.

Prof. Neil Armstrong (University of Exeter, Großbritannien)
Prof. David G. Behm (Memorial University Newfoundland, Kanada)
Prof. Rhodri Lloyd (Cardiff Metropolitan University, Großbritannien)
Prof. Jon Oliver (Cardiff Metropolitan University, Großbritannien)

A simultaneous English-German translation will be provided for all lectures. Please note that the conference language is German.

No registration and/or conference fees will be charged.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Berlin in June 2018.




Science of performance and health for young athletes