Hotel Vouchers for Homeless in Indiana in 2024

Kingston James
7 min readAug 29, 2024


The issue of homelessness remains a pressing concern across Indiana in 2024. To address the immediate needs of homeless individuals and families, various organizations, including government agencies, nonprofits, and religious groups, offer hotel voucher programs.

Hotel Vouchers for Homeless in Indiana in 2024

These vouchers provide temporary shelter in hotels or motels, giving those experiencing homelessness a safe place to stay. This article explores the details of hotel vouchers for the homeless in Indiana, including how they work, eligibility criteria, the application process, benefits, challenges, key considerations, and available sources.

What is Hotel Vouchers for the Homeless ?

Hotel vouchers serve as a temporary emergency solution for individuals or families who lack housing. These vouchers are provided by local government agencies, nonprofits, or charities and cover the cost of staying in a hotel or motel for a short period. The primary objective is to offer a secure and private space, allowing individuals to stabilize their situation and seek long-term housing solutions.

How Hotel Voucher Programs Work

The operation of hotel voucher programs generally follows these steps:

Referral and Assessment: Individuals in need of emergency shelter are typically referred to the hotel voucher program by local shelters, outreach programs, or social service agencies. The referral process includes an assessment of the person’s current situation to determine their immediate needs.

Voucher Issuance: If the individual meets the eligibility criteria, a hotel voucher is issued. This voucher covers the cost of staying at a designated hotel or motel for a specified time, often ranging from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Accommodation: The voucher recipient uses the voucher to check into the designated hotel or motel. The stay is intended to provide temporary relief while the individual works on securing more permanent housing options.

Support Services: During their stay, individuals may receive additional support from social service agencies. This support can include assistance with finding long-term housing, access to healthcare, employment resources, and other essential services.

Applying for Hotel Vouchers in Indiana

Applying for a hotel voucher in Indiana involves several critical steps:

Contact Local Agencies or Shelters

The first step in securing a hotel voucher is to reach out to local shelters, social service agencies, or nonprofits that provide emergency assistance to the homeless. Key organizations in Indiana that may offer hotel vouchers include:

Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA): This state agency works with local Continuum of Care (CoC) programs to provide emergency shelter and services to the homeless.

Local Homeless Shelters: Shelters across Indiana often collaborate with organizations that provide hotel vouchers. If a shelter is at capacity, they may refer individuals to a hotel voucher program.

Faith-Based Organizations and Charities: Religious groups and local charities may also offer hotel vouchers as part of their outreach services.

Prepare Required Documentation

When applying for a hotel voucher, it’s essential to have the necessary documentation ready. Required documents may include:

Identification: A government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license or state ID, is typically required.

Proof of Homelessness: A statement or documentation from a shelter or social service agency confirming your homeless status.

Additional Documentation: Depending on the agency, you may need to provide other documents, such as proof of income, medical records, or information about your family.

Application and Eligibility Assessment

After contacting the appropriate agency or shelter, you will undergo an assessment to determine your eligibility for the hotel voucher program. This assessment considers your current living situation, income, and other factors. If you qualify, you will be issued a voucher.

Utilizing the Hotel Voucher

Once you receive the hotel voucher, you can use it to stay at the designated hotel or motel. The voucher typically covers the cost for a specific period, after which you may need to seek additional support or more permanent housing solutions.

Benefits of Hotel Vouchers for the Homeless

Hotel vouchers offer several significant benefits for homeless individuals and families:

Immediate Access to Shelter

One of the most crucial benefits of hotel vouchers is that they provide immediate access to safe and secure shelter, protecting individuals from the risks of sleeping on the streets. This is particularly vital during extreme weather conditions or emergencies.

Privacy and Dignity

Hotels and motels offer a level of privacy that is often unavailable in traditional shelters. This can be especially beneficial for families, individuals with disabilities, or those recovering from trauma, as it allows them to retain their dignity during a difficult time.

Temporary Relief While Seeking Permanent Housing

Hotel vouchers provide temporary relief, giving individuals and families time to seek more permanent housing solutions. This period can also be used to access additional resources, such as job training, healthcare, or housing assistance.

Safety and Security

Hotels and motels generally offer a secure environment, which is particularly important for vulnerable populations, such as women, children, or those fleeing domestic violence.

Flexibility in Location

Hotel vouchers offer flexibility in location, allowing individuals to stay in areas close to work, school, or medical facilities, depending on availability.

Challenges of Hotel Voucher Programs

Despite the benefits, hotel voucher programs face several challenges:

Limited Availability

The availability of hotel vouchers is often restricted due to funding limitations. Not everyone in need can access this type of assistance, leading to gaps in emergency shelter coverage.

Temporary Nature

Hotel vouchers are intended as a short-term solution and do not address the underlying causes of homelessness. Once the voucher period expires, individuals may find themselves homeless again if they cannot secure permanent housing.

Strict Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for hotel vouchers can be stringent, with certain programs prioritizing families with children, individuals with disabilities, or other vulnerable groups, potentially leaving others without assistance.

Quality of Accommodations

Not all hotels or motels that accept vouchers provide safe or high-quality accommodations. In some cases, the living conditions may be substandard, raising concerns about the well-being of those staying there.

Dependence on Room Availability

The availability of hotel rooms can vary, especially during peak tourist seasons or local events, which may limit options for those with vouchers.

Key Considerations for Using Hotel Vouchers

Understanding Voucher Terms

Before accepting a hotel voucher, it is crucial to understand the terms and conditions, including the duration of the stay, the location of the hotel, and any rules or restrictions that apply.

Exploring Additional Resources

While using a hotel voucher, take the opportunity to explore additional resources, such as employment services, healthcare, and long-term housing programs, to facilitate a smooth transition out of homelessness.

Planning for Long-Term Solutions

Since hotel vouchers provide only temporary relief, it is essential to plan for long-term housing. Engage with social service agencies to explore affordable housing options and other forms of assistance that can help secure permanent housing.

Maintaining Communication with Service Providers

Regular communication with the agency or organization that provided the voucher is important. They can offer ongoing support and additional resources during and after your stay.

Cost of Hotel Voucher Programs

Hotel voucher programs are typically funded by the organizations that issue the vouchers. These organizations may receive funding from government grants, donations, or other sources to support the program. For those receiving the vouchers, the stay at the hotel or motel is usually free, with the cost covered by the voucher. However, some programs may require a small fee or co-payment from recipients based on their financial situation.


Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA)

Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention (CHIP)

The Salvation Army Indiana Division

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I apply for a hotel voucher in Indiana?
To apply for a hotel voucher, contact local shelters, social service agencies, or organizations like the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) or The Salvation Army Indiana Division. These agencies can guide you through the application process and help determine your eligibility.

Who qualifies for hotel vouchers in Indiana?
Eligibility for hotel vouchers is based on factors such as your current living situation, income, and immediate needs. Programs often prioritize vulnerable groups, such as families with children, individuals with disabilities, or those fleeing domestic violence.

How long can I stay in a hotel with a voucher?
The duration of your stay depends on the terms of the voucher, typically ranging from a few days to a couple of weeks. The exact period will be specified when you receive the voucher.

Are hotel vouchers available year-round in Indiana?
Hotel vouchers are generally available year-round, but availability may be limited due to funding constraints or high demand, particularly during extreme weather conditions or emergencies.

What should I do after my hotel voucher expires?
After your voucher expires, it is important to seek additional assistance from social service agencies or housing programs to secure more permanent housing or further support.


Hotel vouchers for the homeless in Indiana provide crucial, immediate assistance to those in need of shelter. While these vouchers offer temporary relief and safety, they are part of a larger effort to address homelessness comprehensively. Understanding the application process, benefits, challenges, and key considerations can help individuals and families make the most of this resource.

By working with local agencies and exploring additional support services, those experiencing homelessness can take significant steps towards securing long-term, stable housing solutions.

