Man of Her Dreams

M Writes >3đź«€
2 min readJul 3, 2024
  • It was a Saturday morning, but that hardly mattered to Emily. Her routine was the same every day. She woke up at 7, brushed her teeth, cooked breakfast at 8, and pondered the direction of her life while sipping a cup of tea. As usual, she found no answers.
  • She glanced at her husband, Alex, who sat beside her, looking happy and energetic, thoroughly enjoying his work. What happened to me? she wondered. Why do I feel so empty?

“Emily… hello,” Alex interrupted her thoughts, waving his hand. “Where did you go off to?”

“Nowhere. Tell me,” she replied with a wry smile.

“Listen, there’s a play at a nearby theater. Let’s check it out,” Alex suggested.

“Sure. Give me some time to get ready,” she said, getting up to prepare.

At the theater, Alex was captivated by the performance. The acting, the dialogues, the drama — it was brilliant, he thought. When the play ended, he said, “Come on, I want you to meet someone.”

“Who?” Emily asked curiously.

“Come with me,” Alex led her backstage. “Meet Aaron, the director of the play and a good friend of mine. He also runs an acting school.” Shocked, Emily stood still for a moment. She knew all about him and was a huge fan of his work.

“I heard you like acting?” Aaron broke her reverie.

“Yes…yes, I do,” she murmured. “But I haven’t done it in a while.”

“Why don’t you come to my school tomorrow? We’ll talk more,” he said, handing her his card, shaking hands, and bidding them goodbye.

