Can nutritional diet help fight cancer

Kinjal Jani
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

A diet will not work like a bullet for cancer patients but in a long run, it will help them. Mostly plant based diet is suggested. This includes fruits, vegetable, lean protein and whole grains. Non-vegetarian diet is strongly discouraged.

Plant-based diets, which include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, are all highly recommended components of a balanced diet for breast cancer survivorship. Research has found that eating 5 or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables a day in addition to the equivalent of walking 30 minutes, 6 days per week is associated with significant survival advantage. Please refer to this “Ask the Nutritionist” question and answer about a daily nutrition plan for breast cancer patients.

There are many controversies surrounding consumption of foods such as sugar, soy, and organic meats, vegetables and fruit. Here are some previous “Ask the Nutritionist” questions and answers you may find useful.

  • Soy Milk and Breast Cancer
  • Should I choose organic fruits and vegetables?

Exercise during all stages of life is important, but it can be particularly important for breast cancer survivors because it can help you feel better after treatment and promote survivorship. Studies show that walking 3–5 hours per week at a pace of 2 to 3 miles per hour can lower the chances of breast cancer recurrence and death by up to 40 percent. Walking can help you fight fatigue, depression, and anxiety as well as improve heart and bone health. Engaging your children in physical activity can be a great way to incorporate exercise into your daily life schedule. Remember to talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise program.

There has not been a clear role of fat in Breast Cancer but avoiding fatty food is always a better option. During cancer lot, many medicines are taken and liver helps them digest. Further consumption of fat will increase the load on the liver and also the body weight which has to avoid. For more Details go here: Nutrition for breast cancer

