OSI Model: The Seven Layers of Networking

Kinsey Parham
6 min readOct 18, 2023


The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model helps us understand the framework for understanding how data is transmitted and received in networks.

I got you, Homer! Keeeeeeep reading!!

Each layer of the OSI interacts with the layer above and below and with the model being layered, this makes it easy to troubleshoot if necessary. In very simple terms, each layer has one function in the overall job — which is getting data from one system to another.

In networking, there’s a general rule that the “layers” on the source side of a communication interact with the corresponding layers on the destination side. This means that each layer communicates with its counterpart at the same layer on the other side of the communication stream.

For example, the Data Link layer on the source device communicates with the Data Link layer on the destination device. This maintains that data is handled consistently and efficiently as it travels from the sender to the receiver, allowing for smooth and reliable communication.

Layer 1: Physical

The Physical layer is the foundation of computer networks. It deals with the actual hardware and physical aspects that enable data to move from one device to another. Layer 1 is the first and lowest layer.

Key features:

  • The Physical layer makes sure that data can be sent and received over the network by converting it into electrical, optical, or radio signals.
  • Each device on a network has specific entry points, like network ports, where data enters and exits. The Physical layer manages these connection points.
  • This layer sets how fast data can be transmitted and how far it can travel over the network. Different types of cables and technologies have varying capabilities.
  • It’s responsible for maintaining the quality of data signals, ensuring that the data reaches its destination intact and without interference.

In summary, the Physical layer focuses on the physical components and infrastructure that enable data transmission.

Layer 2: Data Link

The Data Link layer is the Ethernet protocol. Devices on an Ethernet network use what’s known as a MAC address, sometimes referred to as an Ethernet address. This layer is a protocol layer responsible for the transfer of data between neighboring network nodes.

Key features:

  • In this layer, data is divided into organized packets, and have a specific structure that includes the actual data you want to send, along with some extra information for handling and verification.
  • Data packets in the Data Link layer have addresses too. These addresses are called Media Access Control (MAC) addresses. Each device on the network has a unique MAC address, like a unique street address for a house. The Data Link layer uses the MAC address to ensure that the data packet reaches the right device.
  • Switches and bridges are active at this layer. They’re like the traffic controllers of your network, making sure your data packets go where they need to go in an efficient and timely manner.

To sum up, the Data Link layer is the orchestrator of data packets’ organization, addressing, error-checking, and securely transmitting from one device to another within the same network. It’s also responsible for safeguarding against errors and actively corrects them, ensuring data integrity.

Layer 3: Network

The Network layer serves as the virtual traffic manager of a network. Its primary function is to determine the most efficient path for data to travel from its source to its destination. Think of this layer as a GPS system for your data. This layer makes sure your data reaches the right place without unnecessary detours.

Key features:

  • In this layer, data packets are assigned logical addresses known as IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. These addresses are like addresses you put into your GPS to find a location. Every device connected to the internet or a network has a unique IP address, similar to how each house has a unique street address.
  • The Network layer is key for communication between different networks, like connecting your local network to the vast internet.
  • Sometimes it’s necessary to divide a network into smaller segments for improved management and security. The Network layer handles this by using subnetting techniques to create separate spaces for different functions or groups of devices.

To sum it up, the Network layer is a super navigator for your data. It provides IP addresses, figures out the best way for data to reach its destination, and helps your data navigate through the vast network landscape, just like a GPS guiding you to your desired location. It’s an important part of how data moves around the internet and networks efficient and securely.

Layer 4: Transport

This layer oversees the process of breaking data into manageable pieces and ensuring they arrive intact. It’s like shipping a large package in smaller, well-protected boxes. Its primary role is to establish, manage, and terminate connections for data transmission while guaranteeing data arrives swiftly and in the correct order.

Key features:

  • The Transport layer enables end-to-end communication between two devices, ensuring that data sent from one end is accurately received at the other. It accomplishes this by establishing communication sessions.
  • At times, data that needs to be sent is too large to fit into a single packet. The Transport layer divides the data into smaller units called segments for transmission, and are reassembled at the receiving end to reconstruct the original data.
  • The Transport layer regulates the flow of data - preventing overwhelming the receiver with data. It makes sure that data is delivered at a pace the recipient can handle.
  • Devices in a network have unique port numbers that help the Transport layer determine which application should receive incoming data. Port numbers are like apartment numbers — they ensure data reaches the correct area within a device.

The Transport layer acts like the director of data communication. It’s responsible for dividing data into manageable segments, guaranteeing data integrity, managing the pace of data flow, and making sure that your data reaches the right applications within the device.

Layer 5 & 6: Session and Presentation Layer

Layer 5 and 6, often get grouped together as the “Session and Presentation layers.”

Layer 5: Session Layer
The Session layer is for establishing, managing, and terminating sessions or connections between devices. Its primary function is to make sure that when data exchanges between devices — it’s organized and structured. It sets up, maintains, and ends conversations or sessions between applications on different devices. In very simple terms, it manages the dialog between applications.

Layer 6: Presentation Layer
The Presentation layer deals with data formatting and translation. Its main job is to make sure that data is presented in a readable format for the application layer. This includes things like data encryption, data compression, and character encoding to make sure that the data is sent and received in a format that both the sender and receiver can understand.

In a nutshell, the Session layer is responsible for managing communication sessions and ensuring data exchange is correctly structured and the Presentation layer takes care of data formatting and translation to ensure data compatibility between devices and applications.

Layer 7: Application

The top layer is the Application layer — this is where you interact with services like websites, email, and more. It’s the user interface that you see and use daily.

Key features:

  • The Application layer is responsible for data formatting and conversion, making sure that data is shown in a format that the application can understand. This layer also has specific application protocols (e.g., HTTP, SMTP) that are used for various services like web browsing and email.
  • This layer might have encryption and security services to protect data during transmission and storage.
  • If any errors occur during data transmission, the Application layer can help in managing and resolving the errors.

The OSI model is the framework of data transmission, layer by layer. From the Physical layer to the user-centric realm of the Application layer, you’ve gained foundational knowledge into how data travels from source to destination.



Kinsey Parham

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