Build Your Own Family Tree and Discover How It Grows Using Kintree App


Every family is unique, and so is their story. Discovering your family story is a way of exploring one’s own identity. You never know what you might find on the path of tracing your family origins? These days we have access to various platforms that help bring families closer. Kintree is one such family social network that lets you build your free family tree, uncover lost family connections, and bond with them, like never before.

Now, you might ask, how can a family tree maker help uncover your family story? Well, we will tell you how.

Once you start using the family tree creator of Kintree, you get one step closer to discovering the rich heritage your ancestors left behind. And after you embark upon that journey, there is no going back.

Not only do you learn who your ancestors were and what were their likes and dislikes, the values that mattered to them. This information about forefathers opens up the doors for many meaningful discoveries. Not to mention, the details you uncover about your relatives can be of critical value in future and below are some life-changing benefits of knowing your family history.

A sense of self-worth

The more you know about your family and ancestors, the more you get a sense of self-boost. Studies suggest that children who live with their families grow up to understand their culture better and value the cultures and traditions of others as well.

Tackle difficult situations

Knowing your extended family and learning their stories helps you overcome difficult situations in life. Moreover, knowing the stories of courage and triumphs of our forefathers motivates us to be resilient in our lives.

Oversee critical conditions

Knowing your extended family helps you become aware of their health history. This information is pivotal in detecting early signs of critical illnesses and taking preventive steps to prevent them.

Ultimately, discovering our extended family and bonding with them opens the doors for various meaningful relations that can transform our lives. Therefore, a family tree maker like Kintree is the perfect tool to help you unravel those lost connections.

Here is a brief synopsis of making your family link on Kintree.

Download the app and create your profile.

Head to the family tree section

Click on the Add member button to start building your free family tree

Fill in the details of your family member

Click on the save button

After you add a family member to your tree, you will get their login details. Once this is done, copy and share them with your family member, and now, all they have to do is download the Kintree app and log in using those details.

Here’s wishing you good luck in your journey of discovering your family history with Kintree.

