How to Learn from Mistakes, Embrace the Change, and Develop a Growth Mindset

Discover Strategies for Self-Reflection and Breaking the Cycle of Repeated Mistakes

4 min readAug 3, 2024

In the chapter titled “They Don’t Repeat Their Mistakes Over and Over Again” from Amy Morin’s book “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do,” a crucial trait of mentally resilient individuals is discussed: their ability to learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating them. This skill not only fosters personal growth but also prevents them from being stuck in a cycle of failure and frustration. Here’s a detailed exploration of how to develop this essential trait.

Image by Kinza Ashraf

Understanding the Nature of Mistakes

Inevitability of Mistakes

Morin emphasizes that making mistakes is an inevitable part of the human experience. Everyone, regardless of intelligence or experience, will make mistakes at some point. The critical factor is how one responds to these mistakes. Mentally resilient people recognize this inevitability and use it as an opportunity for self-reflection and growth.

Types of Mistakes

Mistakes can range from minor missteps to significant errors with serious consequences. Morin categorizes mistakes into three types:
Silly Mistakes: Often due to inattention or carelessness.
Systemic Mistakes: These occur when there is a flaw in one’s process or system.
Insightful Mistakes: Errors made while trying something new, often providing valuable lessons.

The Impact of Repeated Mistakes


Repeating the same mistakes can lead to a cycle of self-sabotage. This pattern can damage self-esteem and lead to a sense of helplessness. People may start to believe they are incapable of success or improvement, hindering their mental resilience.

Relationship Strain

Constantly repeating mistakes can strain relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. It can erode trust and cause frustration in those affected by these recurring errors.

Professional Consequences

In the professional realm, repeating mistakes can hinder career progress, resulting in missed opportunities, job loss, and a damaged reputation. Learning from mistakes is crucial for maintaining professional credibility and achieving long-term success.

Strategies to Break the Cycle


Morin highlights the importance of self-reflection. Taking time to analyze what went wrong and why it happened is crucial. This process involves asking critical questions about one’s actions, decisions, and the underlying reasons for the mistake. Mentally resilient individuals use self-reflection to gain insights and prevent future errors.

Identifying Patterns

To avoid repeating mistakes, it is essential to identify patterns in behavior that lead to errors. This can involve keeping a journal, seeking feedback from others, and being mindful of recurring situations that trigger mistakes. Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards breaking the cycle and fostering a growth mindset.

Creating a Plan

Developing a clear plan to prevent future mistakes is a proactive approach. This plan should include specific actions to take, alternative strategies, and setting realistic goals. Mentally resilient people are deliberate about creating strategies to avoid falling into the same traps, thereby embracing change and fostering continuous improvement.

Seeking Guidance

Sometimes, it is beneficial to seek guidance from mentors, coaches, or trusted individuals. These people can provide valuable insights and advice based on their experiences and perspectives. Mentally resilient individuals are not afraid to ask for help and learn from others’ experiences.

Embracing Change

Mentally strong people are open to change. They understand that sticking to the same methods and expecting different results is unproductive. Embracing new approaches and being willing to adapt is key to avoiding repeated mistakes. This adaptability is a cornerstone of a growth mindset.

Taking Responsibility

Owning up to one’s mistakes is a sign of maturity and strength. Accepting responsibility without making excuses fosters personal growth and accountability. It also demonstrates integrity and earns respect from others. Mentally resilient people take responsibility for their actions and use it as a foundation for improvement.

Learning and Moving Forward

Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset, as described by psychologist Carol Dweck, is fundamental. Believing that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning encourages resilience and perseverance. Mentally resilient individuals view challenges as opportunities to grow and improve.

Celebrating Progress

Morin encourages celebrating progress and small victories along the way. Recognizing improvement, no matter how minor, reinforces positive behavior and motivates continued effort. This practice helps in maintaining a positive outlook and encourages further growth.

Being Patient

Breaking the cycle of repeated mistakes takes time and patience. Mentally resilient people understand that personal growth is a journey and are patient with themselves as they learn and improve. Patience allows them to navigate setbacks without losing motivation or confidence.


In conclusion, the chapter “They Don’t Repeat Their Mistakes Over and Over Again” emphasizes that mentally resilient people take a proactive approach to learning from their errors. By reflecting on their actions, identifying patterns, creating strategies, seeking guidance, embracing change, and taking responsibility, they avoid the detrimental cycle of repeated mistakes. This approach not only enhances their personal and professional lives but also fosters resilience and continuous improvement. Amy Morin’s insights offer practical advice for anyone seeking to break free from the habit of repeating mistakes and strive towards a more successful and fulfilling life.

By cultivating a growth mindset, embracing change, and engaging in regular self-reflection, individuals can become mentally resilient and navigate life’s challenges with confidence and wisdom.

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