Applications of Conic Section in Real Life

2 min readAug 29, 2022


Applications of Conic Section in “Real Life”









1. Use of conic Section in Medical Science:

Electrohydraulic, piezoelectric, and electromagnetic energy frameworks utilize the focal point of the ellipsoid to make the shockwaves expected to crack the stone. The waves are produced at one concentration and due to the circular shape, the waves are diverted onto the subsequent concentration, which is the actual stone. These waves make the stone break and it in the end parts into numerous little pieces that can then be handily passed by the body.

2. Use of conic areas in Architecture:

This should be possible in various ways and utilizations. Assuming you are meandering around you can see the different plans of planner that Conic Section is involved. Like the McDonald's Sign that is one illustration of parabola. Your 1 peso coin illustration of circle and so on. Our reality is loaded with numerical and scientifically convictions yet consistently recollect God made everything.

3. Use of conic segments in Engineering:

Bends framed by the convergence of a plane with a right roundabout cone. for example Parabola, hyperbola and oval. Right roundabout cone is a cone that has a roundabout base and the pivot is leaned at 900 to the base and goes through the focal point of the base. Conic segments are consistently “smooth”. All the more exactly, they never contain any emphasis focuses. This is significant for some applications, like optimal design, structural designing, mechanical designing, etc. Figure of circle Shows a right cone and the different conic bends that can be gotten from a cone by segment the cone at different circumstances.

4. Utilization of conic segments in Business:

Business incorporates cash, which is the coin as illustrative of the cash. The coins is round or circle, and circle is a piece of the conic segments. Business likewise incorporates adding, duplicating, separating, and deducting of the coins which is a piece of the conic segments. That is the reason Business is connected with conic section.




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