Kip for Slack

4 min readJan 7, 2016

Kip is a smart penguin that helps you and your team order food, pantry and other office essentials. Kip will collect, coordinate and send remainders on your behalf.

To combat spam, Kip uses Direct Messages so you can focus on work without being distracted by chatter.

Getting Started

No downloads, logins or additional signups. All you need is a Slack account to get started with Kip.

Add Kip to Slack by clicking the button below:

Push this button

Authorize Kip to your team:

and now you’re ready to go!

Using the Kip

To access Kip menu easily type home or tap home button.

Here you can collect different types of orders for your team

[Kip Café] : Helps you collect food orders from each team member

[Kip Store]: Helps you collect office essentials and pantry from each team member

[View Cart]: See what’s currently inside your cart

Manage Multiple Teams Easily

At the start of each new order, Kip asks you who should be in. So if you have multiple offices in different locations, or managing teams remotely you can always select the right group using #channels

Click on the boxes to select the members that you want to collect orders from

Collect Office Essentials by Pasting Amazon URL

Add items into cart easily by pasting Amazon URLs. Just copypaste the link to Kip and you can add it to cart:

Paste the Amazon URL directly into chat and hit enter.

Tap ‘Add to Cart’ button to add the item into your team cart. For items with multiple choices, you can click on the radio buttons to select things like size, flavor or color.

Viewing Team Cart

Team Cart is your team’s group shopping cart. Any member can add items to the cart throughout the week. Based on your settings, the Team Admin will receive an alert when it’s time to close the standing order.

Tap the view cart button or type ‘view cart’ to Kip.

Click the link at the bottom to checkout items in cart.

Add/Remove items with the +/- buttons. You can view cart and checkout anytime by typing ‘home’ or tapping home button.

Put in the Right Permissions for Team Admins

To ensure that your settings are up to date, tap the gear button

This will bring you to Settings Mode. Inside Settings you can add/remove team admins and update preferences. Tap the ‘home’ button at any point to return back to shopping.

And that’s it! Hope you have a happy and productive day


How do I talk to Kip?

Kip only responds to Direct Messages. To send a Direct Message, tap Kip’s name in the Direct Messages list or + button next to it to send a message to Kip.

Direct Messages help save on chatter so that you can focus on your work

Why can’t I remove items from my cart?

Only Team Admins can add and remove other people’s items in the cart, change quantities and set budgets and prices.

Team members can remove only their own items.

I don’t see the my team name in the authorization page.

You may need additional admin privileges to add Kipbot to your team or channel. Check your admin levels by clicking your account profile on your Slack team.

I don’t use any platform but I want to try it.

We have a no frills, no download, no sign-in version available at

If you have a chat service you want Kip to be on, drop us a note.

I can’t get Kip to work :(

If Kip isn’t working for you, drop us a message and we’ll get back to you ASAP

Who is Kip?

Kip is a young digital penguin who is loves large groups of people. Being inside teams is like being in a community colony :)

They are 5"inches tall, very blue and hate missing a good sale. Their favorite food is emoji 🍋 🍉 🍇 if you send Kip emojis, they will get happy!

Underneath their round black eyes, they have a personality like an iceberg…

Push this button




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