“Children of Men” (2006): Dystopia with Multiple Meanings. Film Analysis.

3 min readAug 7, 2023

I have a funny story with this movie: once my husband and I decided to watch something in English without subtitles, and the choice fell unluckily on “Children of Men”. British English, all the things, you know. I remind you that I’m not a native English speaker. But through agony, rewinding and swearing, we still watched it. Such a small personal pride.

By now it’s quite a life-like dystopia of Cuaron with the famous long uncut action scenes. I also noticed the interesting role given to all kinds of text in this movie: in newspapers, on screens, on scoreboards, in paper advertisements, etc. On the one hand, it creates the right sense of an oversaturated, heavy space that presses on the characters, and on the other hand, it emphasizes the contrast between living people and faceless information and propaganda.

Humanity is dying out because it has lost the ability to continue the species. On the one hand, a terrible thing, but on the other hand, isn’t this one of the most positive and humane scenarios when it comes to the extinction of humanity? Isn’t it better to die from a nuclear explosion or some deadly virus? Moreover…




Hey, I'm Kira, and this is my dark film magazine. There are only reviews of selected horror films, dramas and black comedies 🖤