24 Death Bed Regrets (Living Authentically: Overcoming Common Regrets for a Fulfilling Life)

Kiryl Lazarevich
2 min readFeb 6, 2024


In every chapter of our lives, we might find echoes of these common regrets resonating with our own experiences. Yet, there’s profound wisdom in the adage,

It invites us to absorb the lessons from the paths others have trodden before us, allowing their reflections to illuminate our own journey.

By embracing the insights gleaned from the collective experiences of others, we have the opportunity to shape a narrative rich in fulfillment and devoid of common regrets.

Let’s not wait to learn solely from our own missteps. Instead, let’s leverage this shared wisdom to navigate our lives more cleverly and pleasantly, ensuring that each decision brings us closer to the authentic and gratifying existence we aspire to lead.

  1. Courage to Be Oneself: The regret of not staying true to one’s identity, opting instead to conform to external expectations.
  2. Spending Time with Loved Ones: The sorrow of not allocating enough time for family and friends.
  3. Prioritizing Spirituality: The wish to have integrated spirituality more deeply into one’s life.
  4. Less Time Working: Regret over dedicating too much time to work instead of personal life.
  5. Discovering Purpose Earlier: The desire to have understood one’s life purpose at an earlier stage.
  6. Expressing Feelings: The regret of not sharing one’s feelings more openly with others.
  7. Worrying Less: The realization that too much worry was spent on events that never happened.
  8. Taking More Risks: The wish to have embraced more opportunities by taking chances.
  9. Caring Less About Others’ Opinions: Regret over valuing others’ opinions too highly.
  10. Understanding Happiness is a Choice: The late realization that happiness is a personal decision.
  11. Loving More: The desire to have loved others more deeply and freely.
  12. Better Self-Care: Regrets about neglecting personal health and well-being.
  13. Being a Better Spouse: The wish to have been a more attentive and caring partner.
  14. Ignoring Other’s Expectations: Regret about focusing too much on meeting others’ expectations.
  15. Quitting Unenjoyable Work: The desire to have left jobs that were not fulfilling.
  16. Staying in Touch with Friends: Regrets about losing contact with friends over time.
  17. Speaking One’s Mind: The wish to have been more vocal about personal thoughts and beliefs.
  18. Chasing the Wrong Things: Regrets about pursuing goals that were ultimately unfulfilling.
  19. Having More Children: Some express the wish to have had a larger family.
  20. Touching More Lives: The desire to have made a more significant impact on the lives of others.
  21. Contemplating Life’s Big Questions: Regrets about not pondering life’s significant questions sooner.
  22. Traveling More: The wish for more experiences of adventure and exploration.
  23. Living In The Moment: Regret over not appreciating the present and living fully in each moment.
  24. Pursuing Dreams: The sorrow of not following one’s dreams and aspirations.

