Feeling Intimidated at Work?

Kira Morgan McKeown
3 min readMar 24, 2017


Life is all about energy and how you manage it. If you don’t learn to see and manage it from a purposeful, powerful, intentional place, then it will manage you in the form of dense emotions, difficulties, frustrations, and yes, feelings of inferiority or intimidation.

Learning about your personal energy is particularly important when it comes to your work environment. Like dogs, people subconsciously run in packs and follow the alpha. It’s just that simple. Are you part of a pack that follows an alpha leader, whether it’s a boss or just someone who has claimed that role by default? How does that feel?

Do you feel stumped or limited at work? Do you have a micro-manager who hovers over you to make sure you’re doing your work? Do you feel chained to your desk while people stop by to complain, keeping you from your work? Do you experience consistent conflict with people in your work environment? There is an answer, or a fix, for your problems and it begins and ends with energy.

The energy I am talking about is a deeply calm, confident and assertive energy that guides you to your highest path and keeps you on it with ease and grace. Cesar Millan, aka The Dog Whisperer, uses just this type of energy to very successfully “rehabilitate dogs and train dog owners.” He calls it, “calm, assertive energy.” His success is grounded in the theory that when you become grounded, calm and decisive, you send out pack leader vibes. When this happens consistently, things change.

Even though you may be working at an entry-level job or in a position with low pay, it doesn’t mean you are “lower” than anyone else. Jobs and money don’t determine your level of power and importance — you do. Your energy does. Millan says that “Humans are the only animals who will follow unstable pack leaders.” This means that people, while perceiving from instinct like all animals, tend to follow titles and money instead of the heart, or intuition. Are you doing what you love? If not, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself what you’re following.

If you feel that your energy patterns are weaker than you would like, the first step into a more calm, assertive way of being is to understand that “how” you feel to yourself and others is learned and is therefore changeable. This is not about becoming powerful so you can dominate others, or so you can manipulate a certain result, but about stepping into authenticity, which breeds confidence. You came to Earth to claim this power and to face down fear and intimidation with a core knowing that you and you alone are the captain of your ship and the determiner of your destiny.

What others do and how they are around you is not your concern. Your ability to effect true change for yourself and your environment without apology comes from letting go of fear and deciding that nothing is worth your self esteem. The more you do this, the more you change your personal energy patterns, and this is when your heart’s desires begin to surface.

Contact me to schedule coaching appointments so you can live your highest power and most profound authenticity sooner than later.

kira@shetalk.com or 713.589.8799




Kira Morgan McKeown

Lawyer turned spiritual guide, author and conflict negotiating life coach with a focus on living from the "middle."