Random Acts of kindness

Kiran Jamil
2 min readAug 25, 2017


“A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money” (Jhon Raksin)

Small acts when multiplied with millions of people , can transform the world

Kindness is weapon by which you can win the hearts of your enemies . Its like a treat by which you can make your friend happy ,It the fragrance of flower which odorates the others life , It acts as a medicine in healing the wounds of people who are suffering and its a magic which turns sadness in to happiness

So, here are few acts of kindness that I have done today!

Morning I was going my office through Ltc. Bus was full but luckily i got seat There I saw a women standing and carrying her baby .It was extremely difficult for her to stand. So what I did was I just gave her my seat and whole way I had to stand but you know what it really doesn't make me tired for the first time because of her smile and the prayers that she gave me It was a wonderful starting of my day.

In office my senior was not feeling good so I helped her in finishing the task and believe me she was so happy .

Here comes the most interesting part , while returning back to my home on a traffic signal I saw a transgender and people were mocking at her .I just went to her .People around me was looking at me in an awkward manner but I didn’t care for those, I gave her some candies that I had and spend some time by asking about their life . And guess what! she was really excited . :) :)

One act of kindness is offering your little sister her favorite shake . and she was shocked seriously :P

Lastly I helped one of my school friend regarding one assignment about which she was so worried. Finally her teacher gave her good feedback and she calles me with a great joy..

Concluding my blog I will say For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. …And remember No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. …

