Pomodoro: To overcome procrastination

3 min readMay 5, 2018


The pomodoro technique basically a time management technique which is developed in 1980s. This technique is really helpful, i have a huge workload on my PW 7 and I thought to apply this pomodoro technique on PW 7.

So, I decided to work with this pomodoro technique and I switched off my cell phone and I split my PW 7 into small portion and then worked on this.

Firstly I decided to write the journal entry of the 17 indisputable laws of teamwork from John Maxwell and set the timer of 20 minutes. After 20 minutes timer was done and I was complete my assessment and give the brief description of assessment and this activity make me happy because I completed my activity on time which gave positive effect on my mind and then I am more energetic to complete my next activity. After completed this activity I was take 10 minutes break and write journal entry on this activity and for completing this activity I was set the timer for 20 minutes.

After this I had 10 minutes break and thought about the five act of kindness and then set the timer for 30 minutes and write a blog on five acts of kindness and take 5 minutes to reread the blog and then publish it on medium and the link of this blog copy paste in google doc.

This activity is little bit different from first but I am surprised to know that, this activity is completed in 40 minutes because this activity is longer then first. By this activity I learned that we are not perfect in every kind of work but if we try our best then we should achieve our goal easily.

Procrastination is a huge fact which is present in ourselves, as a students or employer we delay our work till deadline. Just before a minute of deadline we should start our work and then we couldn’t complete it 100% and effectively.

The 4 points which are given below are very useful tool to do work;

  1. Get a Task
  2. Set a Timer
  3. Do the Task
  4. Get the result

If we work regarding these 4 points then we complete our work very soon and reached to destination is very easy by overcome the procrastination. These points are really very important to overcome the procrastination.

