Interview Feedback

4 min readApr 19, 2023


The significance of soliciting and providing feedback.

As a job seeker, you’ve spent countless hours polishing your resume, honing your interview skills, and submitting applications to various companies. Finally, you get the call or email for an interview — you go in, do your best, and come out feeling hopeful and positive about your chances. But then, days or even weeks go by without any feedback or response from the company. why does this happen?

Unfortunately, the lack of interview feedback is a common problem in today’s job market. Many candidates are left in the dark, wondering why they haven’t heard back from the hiring manager or recruiter. This can be frustrating and demotivating, especially if you felt you were a strong candidate for the position.

One reason for the lack of feedback is simply due to the sheer volume of applicants companies receive for open positions. It’s not uncommon for companies to receive hundreds or even thousands of resumes for a single job posting. This means that hiring managers and recruiters are often overwhelmed with applications and may not have the time or resources to provide individual feedback to every candidate.

Another reason for the lack of feedback could be related to the company’s hiring process. Many companies have a multi-stage hiring process, which can include multiple rounds of interviews with different team members. If you don’t make it to the final round, the hiring manager or recruiter may not have time to provide feedback to every candidate who was not selected.

So, what can you do if you don’t receive feedback after an interview? Firstly, it’s important to remember that it’s not necessarily a reflection on you or your skills as a candidate. The company may have simply decided to pursue other candidates who better fit the role or company culture. However, if you’re still interested in the company or position, it’s okay to follow up and ask for feedback. This can be done via email or phone call, and it’s best to keep the tone polite and professional.

When asking for feedback, it’s important to be specific with your request. Ask if there were any specific areas that you could improve on, or if there was a particular reason why you weren’t selected for the role. This information can be valuable for your future job applications and interviews.

Here are some reasons why companies should prioritize providing interview feedback to candidates:

  1. It builds trust and credibility.

When companies provide interview feedback, it shows that they value their candidates and are invested in their success. This can help to build trust and credibility with job seekers, making them more likely to apply for future positions with the company.

2. It helps candidates improve.

Feedback is essential for candidates who are looking to improve their skills and prepare for future interviews. By providing constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement, companies can help candidates to identify areas where they can grow and develop.

3. It creates a positive candidate experience.

The interview process is a candidate’s first impression of a company. By providing feedback, companies can create a positive candidate experience, even if the candidate is not ultimately selected for the position. This can help to build a positive reputation for the company and attract top talent in the future.

So, what can companies do to ensure that they are providing interview feedback to candidates?

4. Set expectations up front.

During the interview process, companies should be clear about their feedback process and what candidates can expect. This will help to manage expectations and ensure that candidates are not left wondering about the outcome.

5. Provide feedback in a timely manner.

Candidates are often eager to receive feedback after an interview. Companies should strive to provide feedback in a timely manner, ideally within a few days of the interview.

6. Be specific and constructive.

Feedback should be specific and constructive, focusing on areas where the candidate can improve. It should also be delivered in a respectful and professional manner.

In conclusion, providing interview feedback is essential for building trust and credibility with candidates, helping them to improve their skills, and creating a positive candidate experience. Companies should prioritize providing feedback to candidates as part of their hiring process, setting expectations up front, providing feedback in a timely manner, and delivering feedback in a specific and constructive manner. By doing so, companies can attract top talent and build a positive reputation in the industry.

