How to Boost Your Website Ranking With Parasite SEO and AI

Kirill Zolygin
4 min readOct 17, 2023


a picture of a cute worm carrying a shield saying “Parasite SEO”

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, understanding how search engine rankings work can help boost your business using organic traffic. And yes, even without investing thousands into ads!

With the help of AI tools like ChatGPT, there are now faster and easier ways to rank highly on Google.

One effective strategy SEO experts often discuss is “parasite SEO.” It involves using high-ranking websites' authority to boost your pages' online visibility.

Let’s explore how you can use parasite SEO and AI to rank quickly and for free on Google Search.

What is Parasite SEO?

Parasite SEO refers to publishing content on third-party platforms with a higher Domain Authority, aiming to rank that content for target keywords.

For example, hosting a blog post on a site like Medium or LinkedIn allows you to benefit from their existing domain authority. If your post ranks well, you can monetize the traffic through affiliate links, ads, lead generation, etc.

The key advantage is speed — parasite pages can rank faster than trying to boost your own website’s authority organically. It’s essentially hijacking the credibility of larger sites.

Why Use Parasite SEO?

There are several benefits to this unorthodox approach:

  • Ranks quickly: Parasite SEO leverages sites with authority, allowing faster indexing and ranking than a new domain.
  • Proven results: As we’ll see later, this strategy consistently ranks content on the first page of Google.
  • Free to implement: Requires no paid tools, just free AI content creation.
  • Monetizable traffic: You can add monetization elements like affiliate links to parasite pages.
  • Works for any site: Helpful for new sites with no authority or if you want faster results.
  • Increases reach: Publishing on multiple platforms expands your audience.

Step-by-Step Parasite SEO Workflow

Below is a step-by-step blueprint for ranking parasite SEO pages with AI:

1. Find Profitable Keywords

Keyword research is crucial — you need terms aligned with customer intent and monetization potential. Prioritize long tails over competitive short tails.

For example, “laptop bags” is very hard to rank for. But “waterproof laptop bags for MacBook” is more specific with higher buyer intent.

Use free tools Ahrefs Keyword Generator. Look for low competition (under 20) and high search volume (over 500 monthly searches).

2. Create Content Outlines with AI

Leverage ChatGPT to create content outlines targeting your keywords. Prompt it to review top-ranking pages and build an optimal structure.

For example:

Imagine you’re an experienced product reviewer specializing in [main keyword/topic]. Your task is to write a 300-word review that will rank well on Google for the following product:

[product name]

To do this, you’ll need to study the following competitor articles thoroughly using WebPilot Plugin:


This reverse engineers what’s already working via AI.

3. Develop Unique Articles

Don’t duplicate the same article on each platform — write new versions customized for each site.

Prompt ChatGPT or Claude AI to generate introductions, conclusions, transitions, examples, etc.

Make the articles comprehensive and detailed — like 2,000+ words. Include images, formatted text, links, etc.

Use tools like Frase to SEO-optimize the article and add semantic keywords to get better results.

Learn how to humanize your AI text and make ot more readable at the same time.

You can use the Harpa AI Chrome extension to rewrite and post articles to other platforms. Just publish one article, let’s say, on LinkedIn. Next, open the page, go to the Harpa AI extension, and choose “outrank the article”. It will create a new paraphrased version of the article using ChatGPT or Claude AI.

4. Publish to Multiple Platforms

Post your AI-generated articles on platforms like:

  • LinkedIn
  • Medium
  • Quora
  • Reddit

5. Interlink Your Content

Link internally between your parasite articles to pass authority and aid indexing.

You can also link relevant pages on your site to pass authority.

6. Index Your Pages

Since you don’t win websites like Medium or LinkedIn, you can not submit new posts to Google Search Console directly. Interlinking will help get your pages crawled faster. However organic indexing will still take time.

You can use indexing tools like IndexMeNow to speed things up.

7. Monetize Your Rankings

Once ranked, modify your articles to monetize the traffic by adding affiliate links. The goal is to turn rankings into profit.

Maximizing Parasite SEO Results

Here are some additional tips to get the most from parasite SEO:

  • Vary headlines — Don’t duplicate H1s across versions. Use different titles tailored to each site.
  • Include images — Posts with images tend to perform better in search. Create custom graphics with tools like Canva.
  • Optimize anchor text — Use your target keyword for internal links and 1–2 external links. Don’t overdo it.
  • Promote on social media — Sharing parasite content on social can help Google index it faster.
  • Enhance content over time — You can edit posts later on to refine them. Improving quality leads to better rankings.


Parasite SEO with ChatGPT is a proven tactic to rank content faster than traditional SEO.

You can quickly earn traffic and increase conversions by publishing articles on authoritative sites.

Be sure to focus on quality over quantity and provide value to readers. Monitor your rankings closely and double down on what works.

With parasite SEO, you can leverage platforms with higher domain authority to accelerate your SEO success.

The result is more organic traffic, leads, and sales for your business or website.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something through them, I might earn a commission at no extra cost to you. This helps me be motivated to keep writing here. Thank you in advance!



Kirill Zolygin

In love with AI tools, SEO and Good Writing. Cheated on ChatGPT with Claude. Cloned my grandma's voice cause I miss her.