I Tested Originality AI For A Year: Here Is My Review

Kirill Zolygin
10 min readMar 9, 2024


Hi, and welcome to my (completely unbiased) Originality AI review.

I’ve been using it extensively since early 2023 and was even grandfathered into the older, no longer available pricing plan.

So, I’m happy to give you the inside scoop on how it works and helps me daily.

I’ll take you through Originality AI’s key features, pros and cons, pricing, and more.

I’ll also share my personal experience of using it as a blog writer.

I want to help you decide if Originality AI is right for your content creation needs.

By the end, you’ll know exactly what Originality AI offers, who it’s for, and how it can take your writing to the next level.

So, let’s dive right in! (Oh, calm down, ChatGPT!)

Pros and Cons


  • Accurately detects AI-generated content in most cases
  • Helpful readability score provides actionable feedback
  • Plagiarism scan catches duplicated content
  • Offers flexible pricing
  • There’s a free detection tool you can test on-site


  • Occasionally provides false positives
  • It doesn’t provide more detailed readability feedback
  • The interface is a bit busy

Quick Verdict

Originality AI is a good tool for anyone who creates online content. I’m not sure it’s important to know if you have AI-generated text in front of you. Google doesn’t penalize it anyway (as a result, we have a bunch of websites full of merely readable, low-quality AI content, but hey, c’est la vie!)

But its plagiarism-detecting tools are an absolute blast!

Also, the readability scan helps strengthen your content quality.

Sure, it misidentifies human-written content on rare occasions. However, no such tool is perfect, and Originality AI usually gets it right, which makes it the best AI detection tool.

The interface could be simpler, but it isn’t too hard to figure out.

Overall, Originality AI delivers accurate AI detection.

I’d recommend starting with the pay-as-you-go plan to evaluate the tool.

Who is it For?

Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

You will benefit from Originality AI:

  • If you are a content marketer or publisher creating written content using AI.
  • If you are a part of the content marketing team that needs to monitor originality across blog posts and articles.
  • If you are a writer concerned about plagiarism and duplicating existing articles.
  • If you’re a content writer and you constantly need to check readability before content submission

Originality AI is not suitable for:

  • Academic institutions looking to detect plagiarism in student work.
  • Users only need to check for AI-written content occasionally.
  • Those wanting extremely detailed readability feedback.

Originality AI Overview

Source: Originality AI

Originality AI checks digital content for originality. Its main goal is detecting whether a human or AI wrote the text.

It uses an accurate AI detector trained on AI-written and human-written samples. This AI content detection tool scans your texts and returns a verdict on their origins.

Originality AI also provides plagiarism scans, readability scores, and extra features to validate content authenticity further. This comprehensive suite aims to give content creators confidence their work is 100% human-written.

Compared to competitors, Originality AI specializes in AI detection over student plagiarism checks. It also offers flexible plans to suit diverse content publishers.

Personal Opinion

I work so much with AI-written texts, so I became a content detector myself. The worst part is dealing with clearly ChatGPT-generated content in the guest post pitches.

We are all familiar with those GPT clichés like “let’s delve into tralala” and “in the rapidly evolving blablabla.” Any experienced writer can sniff it without any problem and needs no extra tool.

So this is what I use Originality AI for:

  • Improving quality: The readability scores help strengthen engagement and clarity. My content recommendations have become much clearer.
  • Catching plagiarism: I caught a few accidentally copied phrases in a blog post a guest writer sent to me.
  • Flexibility: I’m using a pay-as-you-go plan and am more than happy with it.

Try Originality AI today and make sure it’s useful for you!

Features Breakdown

Originality AI is known for spotting ChatGPT content.

But it also gives readability scores and checks for plagiarism.

This helps writers make engaging, unique stuff while keeping it original.

1. Sniffing out AI-generated content

Originality AI is built to find AI-written text.

It’s been tested against human writing, AI writing, and even “humanized” AI writing.

Most tests show it’s accurate.

It correctly spotted my own human writing as not AI.

In August 2023, they made it even better at finding AI-written text

They improved accuracy by 15%.

It’s now trained on GPT-4 and rewritten text, too.

The last update, the 3.0 version that rolled out recently, is so picky that folks had to put a banner on the page encouraging you to use the previous model if you can tolerate AI.

No AI detector is flawless yet. They all produce both false positives and false negatives.

As AI writing evolves, the detectors have to keep up.

So AI detection is useful, but remember, it can mess up.

2. Plagiarism Checker

If you always create original content, skip this part.

But if you constantly slap ChatGPT-generated content onto your blog, beware!

Copying and pasting content from AI tools can cause problems.

Originality AI scans search engines for duplicated text to catch this.

3. Readability Checker

Source: Originality AI

Readability matters big in getting readers engaged.

Originality AI readability tool scores how readable your writing is.

This helps you make their content easy to understand.

The readability score is helpful, but the app doesn’t suggest ways to improve it, so you’ll have to fix issues yourself.

The list of readability check types is impressive:

Flesch-Kincaid: Tells you the grade level of your writing. Uses the number of words in a sentence and how long the words are. Longer sentences and words mean a higher grade level. Quick to figure out, but not always the best way to check how easy your blog is to read.

FORECAST Grade Level: Made to test how easy job-related stuff is to read. Counts short words in a small part of your blog. Only gives a grade from 5 to 12. Suitable when you write about work but not other topics.

Gunning Fog Index: This index shows how many years of school someone needs to read your blog on the first read easily. It uses the number of words per sentence and the percentage of hard words. A score over 12 means your blog is tough to read. It gives you a rough idea but isn’t perfect.

Dale-Chall Readability Grade: This tool determines the U.S. grade level by examining word counts per sentence and the percentage of hard words. It uses a list of 3000 easy words. This method takes more time than Flesch-Kincaid but is better, especially for people with trouble reading.

4. Originality AI Chrome extension

The Originality AI Chrome extension is useful for publishers monitoring many documents at the same time

Key features and facts about the extension:

  • It shows who edited the doc and the text they contributed
  • You can watch a sped-up replay of the document being written to see if the text was copy-pasted
  • It provides an AI probability score when you click “Originality.AI Report”

Some pros and cons of the extension:


  • Convenient for checking Google Docs without copying text into the app
  • Provides transparency into document authorship and editing


5. Fact-Checking Aid

This is a relatively new feature that lets you prove the accuracy of the information in your article. A recent test got facts right 72% of the time. Not bad!

It also didn’t say anything like “I don’t know,” so you can trust it to give you a clear yes or no on facts.

The best part? It shows where the facts are from so you can check them yourself.

Transparency for the win!

No news that AI writing platforms can hallucinate from time to time. Sometimes, they make up stuff and take facts from another universe.

With AI tools becoming content mills, we need good fact-checkers. If you are too lazy to do research, you can scan your draft content using the Originality AI fact-checking aid.

The only downside of this feature is that it consumes three times more credits than the AI or Plagiarism detection.

So, if you’re an editor or content manager, add Originality AI’s fact-checker to your tool belt! Give it a spin and watch your content integrity score soar!

API Access

Originality AI’s API access lets you add their advanced text tools to your platforms.

With the API, you can get:

  • Personalized feedback on your writing
  • Automated plagiarism checks
  • Suggestions to make your content more readable

This helps businesses that need more than what Originality AI’s website offers. You can make your platforms more powerful and efficient while keeping your writing original.

To get API access, contact the Originality AI team. Tell them what special features you need, and they’ll work with you to customize it!

So, try Originality AI’s API access if you want to boost your apps with plagiarism checks and better readability. It lets you integrate their top-notch text tools into your workflows. Your content will be more engaging, original, and error-free!

Is it easy to use?

Overall, the Originality AI interface is pretty easy to use:

Source: Originality AI
  1. Click “Start new scan”
  2. Paste in text.
  3. Choose your model below.
  4. Click “Scan”, and get results in 20 seconds.

You can also paste the URL of your page. Just remember to exclude your own domain’s URL when checking for plagiarism.

I have to mention that sometimes Originality AI’s interface is quite busy.

The sidebar crowds other elements.

Tooltips cover things up.

Key reports aren’t prominent.

It gets the job done, but the UI could be more straightforward.

But once you get used to it, it’s not too bad.

Pricing plans for every need

Source: Originality AI

For pricing, Originality AI has flexible plans for different users.

Each plan unlocks certain features and credits.

Here’s how credits work:

  • 1 credit = scanning 100 words
  • Extra credits are 1 cent each

This lets you pay for what you use, whether a little or a lot.

“Pay as you go”

The pay-as-you-go plan is flexible for occasional users.

You pay a one-time $30 fee.

Then you get:

  • 3,000 credits (300,000 words) — lasts about 2 years
  • Basic features like AI scan, plagiarism scan, readability, and fact-checking

It’s great if you’re a freelancer or student who only needs it sometimes.

Monthly subscription

The monthly plan gives unlimited use for $14.95/month.

You get:

  • 2,000 credits (200,000 words) each month
  • Access to all features, including premium ones
  • 25% savings compared to pay-as-you-go

This is good for teams and publishers who use it a lot.

You get maximum value.


Can I use Originality AI for free?

Originality AI has a free AI detector on its website. You can paste up to 300 words of text. Signing up for their app also gives you 50 free credits. This allows you to test Originality AI’s detection capabilities before purchasing.

Is originality AI the best AI detector?

Originality.AI is considered one of the best AI detectors in the market due to its high accuracy in detecting AI-generated content, low rate of false positives, and unique ability to identify paraphrased content. Its comprehensive content quality tools, including plagiarism checking and readability scores, make it a valuable asset for bloggers and content creators.

Can originality AI detect GPT 4?

Originality.AI is designed to accurately detect content generated by popular large language models such as ChatGPT and GPT-4. With its natural language processing techniques and high computing power, Originality.AI can effectively identify AI-generated content, making it a valuable tool for content creators seeking to maintain originality and quality in their work.

Why is my essay being flagged as AI?

Your essay may be flagged as AI if it contains patterns commonly associated with AI-generated content, such as complicated sentences, perfect grammar, and predictably common word combinations. Human content is rarely that perfect. AI content detection tools look for these patterns to identify content that a human may not have written.

The bottom line

Using Originality AI’s tools can help your search ranking! Their plagiarism and readability checks find copied or computer-written content quickly without many mistakes.

You get a detailed Originality Report on each item you check, such as blog posts, articles, or papers. This lets you catch issues early and improve your SEO tactics. Their computer program is always getting better, too.

The best part is you can check the originality score as writers create! The report shows how unique content is and gives tips to make it easier to read.

If you run websites or apps, adding powerful checks right in is a cost-effective solution. There's no need to reinvent the wheel!

Readers and search engines prefer engaging content written by human writers, not boring articles full of AI clichés. Working with Originality AI protects your good name while saving you time.

They make checking content for blogs, articles, or academic papers easy. Extensive testing shows that their computer program catches plagiarism with few mistakes.

The report gives a score so you know what needs work. You can use it to help writers and check whole sites. It’s like having professional writers on your team to ensure everything passes muster!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, and if you decide to buy any of the promoted products, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. By doing this, you help me run my blog and keep researching for you.



Kirill Zolygin

In love with AI tools, SEO and Good Writing. Cheated on ChatGPT with Claude. Cloned my grandma's voice cause I miss her.