Why I Like to Have a Monday Morning Meeting with Myself

Kirsty Gordge
4 min readMay 30, 2019

And what happens if I don’t…

Image by isuru prabath from Pixabay

My Mondays last year were the kind of Mondays you dream about. Waking up in the morning — at whatever time I wanted — wherever I happened to be. No work, and with no quiet sense of dread, just me in a European town with cobbled streets, a strong sense of summer and months of cool travel ahead of me. Heck, I didn’t even feel like I ‘started a new week’, because the days just rolled together and the concept of Sunday turning into Monday was not something I was even conscious of. It didn’t, for once, have the connotations that a normal Monday morning has.

I think most people feel it.

Even if you’re super happy in life, and everything is as you want it, Monday Morning still feels a bit daunting. A new week. Five days of predictability ahead. No more spontaneity. No more weekend shenanigans.

But don’t listen to all those bloggers on Instagram telling you to quit your 9–5 just because their Monday morning is sipping watermelon juice sprawled out under an umbrella at a rooftop pool somewhere exotic. The truth is, when Monday Morning finally loses its connotations, something is a bit awry and we actually lose a sense of purpose.

We need the Monday Morning.



Kirsty Gordge

Kiwi-Brit expat in the Czech Republic, but currently riding out COVID-19 in NZ. Freelance writer & English teacher. I think big. And I really LOVE life.