How to read data stored in RAM?

Kirtana Mudaliar
2 min readSep 24, 2021

Here is everything you need to know

About RAM — RAM allows your computer to perform many of its everyday tasks, such as loading applications, browsing the internet, editing a spreadsheet, or experiencing the latest game. Random access memory (RAM) is a computer’s short-term memory, which it uses to handle all active tasks and apps. None of your programs, files, games, or streams would work without RAM.

Types Of RAM- There are two main types of RAM: Dynamic RAM (DRAM) and Static RAM (SRAM).

Why is RAM important?

Computer random access memory (RAM) is one of the most important components in determining your system’s performance. … It stores the information your computer is actively using so that it can be accessed quickly. The more programs your system is running, the more you’ll need.

Where is RAM located?

RAM is physically small and stored in microchips. RAM is usually stored outside the CPU in separate chips. RAM memory modules are installed into slots on the computer motherboard . Take this point into consideration that the RAM has it all when it comes to storing

What is the purpose of RAM?

RAM (Random Access Memory) is a form of memory which is used to save data about programs that are currently open. RAM is much faster than a HDD or SSD, and so the CPU has to spend less time in the “fetch” part of the “fetch-decode-execute” — that means more time doing calculations. Unfortunately, RAM is volatile i.e it loses its data when we turn off the power, and it is more expensive per GB than a HDD or SSD. This limits our usage of RAM, and the amount that we’re able to install into our systems.

Linux check memory usage using /proc/meminfo file

The /proc/meminfo file stores statistics about memory usage on the Linux based system.

Memory Display

To understand your computer’s abilities, you need to know about RAM, including an initial idea of how much your PC needs and how to install RAM. Knowing about RAM will save money on unnecessary hardware. All of the steps are essential to the performance, but RAM is where you see its abilities’ speed and quality.

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