Picture captured on one of our road-trips in NSW, Australia

Financial Freedom? Myth or Reality (Part 1)

Kirtan Varasia
3 min readOct 25, 2021


Has anyone noticed the sudden rise in the number of articles (this included), podcasts, videos on YouTube, etcetera, based on or linked to the title of this article?

I certainly have, and maybe I am one of the many thousands who have subscribed to these channels, read multiple articles, heard many podcasts and maybe you have become an advocate of some or one of the ideas you have come across; liked; implemented and is working for you. Some may like one and not the others and so on.

I must say there is certainly something (good or bad) to take away or learn from every content I have come across.

I was first introduced with the expression ‘Financial Freedom’ a couple of years back when I first read the book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’. This is one book; I will not forget; I will re-read and listen to; I encourage others who are willing to change their mindset about life, money, and their own selves, to read it. I did not further go on and read the many other books which Robert Kiyosaki published however the essence from this one book got instilled in me forever. I began looking at life and things differently. This book literally helped me understand my worth.

As I mentioned above, everyone has their opinion and views, and some may not like this book and may like something else. I am not promoting the book or the author. I am only using this essay and platform to share my views. My objective is to (i) come up with a series of articles on this subject, (ii) try to educate myself and others about the tools available, & most importantly (iii) to help myself and others find when to identify the moment when the goal has been reached. I would really be happy to connect with people with whom I can share my views and learn from them about their perspectives.

Sadly, our education system across the world is as such that we all are educated and trained in all the major subjects and topics, which most of the time we will never ever use in our lives. I don’t remember when I last used trigonometry in my practical life. Why was it taught to me, I wonder!

Unfortunately, personal financial education has never been taught in schools, colleges, or universities. Yes, we are trained and educated in plus, minus, debit, credit, dissecting frogs and humans, constructing giant structures, revenue, expenses, etcetera; all with the one objective that the student will one day go and either get a job in an already established or upcoming organization or setup their own business. Mind you, even people who setup their own business many times don’t know what objective or goal they are pursuing.

Coming back to the title of this article, I want to ask myself and others, what is ‘Financial Freedom’? Because after having read books, articles, listening to podcasts, watching videos, I focused myself on getting out of the rat race, but in the pursuit to achieve that I became a part of another race i.e. to achieve ‘Financial Freedom’.


Please share your views and opinions in the comments below. My purpose to expand my horizons by connecting to the people of this world.


This article is for informational, discussion, reference or reading purposes only. There is no set Financial or Legal Advice. All information may not be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.



Kirtan Varasia

Once again I have received another opportunity. I am fortunate and grateful for everything and everyone in my life.