Opt for optimism: Choosing hope for the bright side of your life!

Kirthi Patcha
4 min readMay 25, 2024


Hahaha…What does it really take to just look at someone and smile? Nothing but just a few seconds of kindness, that's it.

Absolutely, a smile can make a big difference! It costs nothing, but few moments, and can brighten someone’s day. Sometimes, the smallest acts of kindness can have the greatest impact. Whether it is to a friend, a colleague, or a stranger, a smile can convey warmth, friendliness, and positivity. Plus, it’s often contagious, spreading happiness to others. Just be the first ripple of kindness.

What actually is optimism? Optimism is an attitude that reflects a belief or hope in a positive, favorable outcome for a specific endeavor or in general. It’s the feeling that the future holds promise and success. Optimism is that sparkly sprinkle on top of the cupcake of life, making everything taste just a little sweeter. It’s the cheerleader cheering you on, the high-five when you succeed, and the wink from the universe saying, “You got this!”

As believed, there are methods to know whether a person is an optimist or a pessimist. Let's see some of them,

  1. An empty paper with a black dot: Present a white paper with a black dot and inquire about what the observer notices. Most likely, they’ll mention the black spot. And that's obvious because it's human nature to only concentrate on negative areas neglecting the good in it. But yes, if someone answers that they see a white paper just be careful with them they are not telling you the truth.

2. A half: Asking someone about the status of a glass or bottle that is partially filled whether they see it as half-full or half-empty is often used as a test for optimism. This classic question aims to reveal a person’s general view on life. Those who describe the glass as half-full are typically seen as having a more optimistic perspective, focusing on what is present or available. In contrast, those who say it is half-empty are viewed as having a more pessimistic view, concentrating on what is lacking or missing.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

3. The orange sun: Ask yourself whether you see a sunrise or a sunset. ( Be honest with yourself.)

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

What actually is optimism? How does it affect our lives? On this note I would like to share a short story that motivated me a lot,

Once upon a time, a farmer created a contest between his dog and his rabbit. In one of his largest fields, he dug a hole and placed a carrot and a bone inside. Whichever animal found them first was the one he wanted to see. The rabbit, full of optimism and cheer, launched himself into searching for the carrot, poking around with complete confidence that he would find it. However, the dog was gloomy, and after he had sniffed around for a while, he lay down and started whining about how hard it was to find one bone in a field this size. The dog kept complaining about how hard this was, even for the rabbit, while the rabbit dug for hours on end. Conversely, the rabbit believed that every hole that was excavated meant that there was one less hole to be dug. The rabbit dug a tunnel beneath the spot where the dog had been sleeping for the entire time, until there was no more ground in the entire field to be dug. He discovered the carrot and the bone there. And that’s how the dog’s pessimism caused him to lose. Because he had already discovered the ideal location from the start, all thanks to his excellent intuition!

Is Optimism Good or Bad? The answer to this question is to focus on Balanced optimism. Balanced optimism means being positive but realistic. Balanced optimism involves staying positive while also being realistic about challenges and risks. This approach allows you to enjoy the benefits of optimism, such as better mental health and motivation, without falling into the pitfalls of unrealistic expectations or overconfidence. By balancing hopefulness with practicality, you can navigate life’s ups and downs more effectively. I ran half a marathon sounds so much better than I quit halfway through a marathon.

One fun situation I would like to share is when I asked my friend to explain optimism with an example, she said ‌I got called pretty yesterday and it felt good. Actually, the full sentence was you are pretty annoying, but I am choosing to focus on the positive. And I just went ROFL.

I would like to windup by sharing some benefits of being positive: Optimistic attitude helps us be happier, more successful, and healthier,
Optimism can protect against depression and makes people more resistant to stress,
Optimism may even help people live longer,
Optimists are better at fighting illness,
Optimists form better relationships…etc.

Quote for today “‌Whatever you do always give your 100%, unless you are donating blood.

Keep Smiling...!



Kirthi Patcha

Writer, Thinker, on a mission to spread smiles, Professional Lame Joker