Sofia vs ASIMO

Kiruthika S
2 min readJan 15, 2022


Both are advanced in their field like Sophia is an intelligent robot, and of course, she is smarter then ASIMO due to its high-level programming, but when it comes to humanoid structure, then ASIMO is advanced because he can walk. ASIMO can run, walk on uneven slopes and surfaces, turn smoothly, climb stairs, and reach for and grasp objects. ASIMO can also comprehend and respond to simple voice commands. And in the future, ASIMO may serve as another set of eyes, ears, hands and legs for all kinds of people in need. Someday ASIMO might help with important tasks like assisting the elderly or a person confined to a bed or a wheelchair. ASIMO might also perform certain tasks that are dangerous to humans, such as fighting fires or cleaning up toxic spills. they researched this robot because in the future it might help people. when robot become capable to do our everyday task our lives will improve. Sophia is an evolving genius machine. Her incredible human likeness, expressiveness, and remarkable story as an awakening robot Over time, her increasing intelligence and remarkable story will enchant the world and connect with people regardless of age, gender, and culture. So the conclusion is... Both are advanced in their field like Sophia is an intelligent robot, and of course, she is smarter then ASIMO due to its high-level programming, but when it comes to humanoid structure, then ASIMO is advanced because he can walk.

