Integrating Data Clustering and Visualization for the Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data

Kinshuk Sharma
10 min readMar 5, 2024


In the realm of biological research, the visualization of 3D gene expression data stands as a crucial tool for scientists. It helps them delve into the complex spatial and temporal patterns that underlie the fundamental processes of life.

However there are a number of challenges when it comes to visualizations here,

Three-Dimensional Data
The 3D aspect of gene expression data adds a layer of complexity to the analysis. Traditional two-dimensional methods fall short as they can’t fully capture the intricate details of spatial gene expression patterns. 3D visualizations allow researchers to observe the interactions within the full volume of the tissue or organ, providing a more holistic view of gene activity.

Spatial Analysis
Understanding the spatial distribution of gene expression is like piecing together a multidimensional puzzle. Each gene can have a distinct pattern of expression, varying not just in intensity but also in location.

Temporal Analysis
Just as crucial as the ‘where’ is the ‘when’ — the temporal aspect of gene expression. Genes turn on and off over time, and their expression levels change during different stages of development or in response to environmental conditions. Visualizing these temporal changes alongside spatial data can unravel the dynamic processes of life, from development to disease progression.

Together, these challenges demand robust visualization techniques capable of conveying complex data in an intuitive manner. By leveraging clustering with visualization, researchers (Rubel, Oliver, et al.) have been able to better interpret the complexities of 3D gene expression data, potentially leading to discoveries that drive our understanding of biology forward.


The Pipeline in the paper (Rubel, Oliver, et al.) illustrates a sophisticated method that merges data clustering with visualization. This combined approach is not just systematic but pivotal for extracting meaningful patterns from complex datasets.

Data Visualization: This is the first step in the pipeline, where raw data is transformed into a graphical representation. It’s crucial for initially spotting trends, outliers, and patterns that might not be apparent from raw numbers alone.

Cluster Statistics: After visualizing the data, cluster statistics are employed to quantify the characteristics of the data clusters. This step is about making sense of the visual patterns by providing numerical evidence of their significance.

Data Selection: Here, specific subsets of data are chosen for a closer look. It’s like using a magnifying glass to focus on areas that seem most interesting or relevant, based on the initial visualization and statistics.

Data Clustering: In this phase, algorithms group the data points into clusters based on their similarity. This step is integral for identifying which data points share common features, which can reveal insights into the underlying biological processes.

Clusters: The result of data clustering is a set of clusters, each grouping similar data points. This simplifies the complex data into manageable segments that are easier to analyze and understand.

Cluster Post-Processing: The final step involves refining the clusters. It’s an essential process to ensure that the clusters are accurate and meaningful.

The entire pipeline represents a cyclic process rather than a linear one, allowing for continuous refinement and cross-communication between the stages. By looping back and forth between visualization and clustering, researchers can iteratively enhance their understanding of the data, leading to deeper insights and more robust conclusions.

Clusters with k = 3 (left) and k = 7 (right) and data selection including x cell positions weighted with 0.24

Understanding Clustering in 3D Gene Expression Data

Clustering is a cornerstone of data analysis in biological research, particularly when examining 3D gene expression data. It involves grouping data points — in this case, cells — based on their similarity.
The paper (Rubel, Oliver, et al.) points to a range of clustering techniques used to tackle this task. These include:

K-means: A method that partitions the data into K clusters, where each data point belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.
K-median: Similar to k-means, but it uses medians instead of means, which can be more robust to outliers.
K-medoid: A technique that, unlike k-means, chooses actual data points as centers (medoids) and is less sensitive to noise and outliers.
Hierarchical clustering: This creates a tree of clusters, which is insightful for understanding the data’s structure at different scales.
Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs): SOMs are a type of artificial neural network that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional representation of the input space, preserving the topological properties.

Refining Clustering Results
Beyond the initial clustering, the paper notes the importance of manual correction and cluster filtering. These steps are crucial for addressing the misclassification of cells. Sometimes clusters need to be merged or split to better reflect the underlying biological reality. This is where the concept of ε_scatter comes in — a measure that quantifies the scatter within clusters, helping to identify how spread out or concentrated the clusters are spatially.

The graph illustrates the distribution of different gene expressions, showing how clustering helps identify patterns across the data set.

Fine-Tuning Data Analysis
The process of clustering, correction, and filtering represents an iterative cycle of fine-tuning, ensuring that the data analysis is as accurate and reflective of the biological phenomena as possible. The integration of both visual and quantitative methods provides a comprehensive approach to understanding the complex spatial patterns of gene expression.

It’s clear that the journey from raw data to meaningful insights is both intricate and nuanced. The paper we’ve delved into has illuminated the path by which data visualization and clustering become powerful allies in the quest to understand biological processes. The integration of various clustering methods with sophisticated visualization techniques forms the backbone of this approach. Through the iterative processes of data selection, clustering, and post-processing, researchers can distill vast amounts of data into comprehensible structures that tell the stories of genes and their expressions in three dimensions.

The significance of this research goes beyond academic curiosity. The methods and findings have real-world implications in fields such as developmental biology, disease research, and personalized medicine. By understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression, we can potentially unlock new treatments, better diagnostic tools, and deeper insights into the very fabric of life.

Critical Analysis of Visualizations

Figure 1 in the paper

This is the first figure in the paper and, sets the tone for the rest of the paper. This visualization offers a comprehensive representation of gene expression within an embryo, utilizing both 3D modeling and cylindrical projection to explain spatial patterns. The image on the left is particularly effective in showcasing the complex spatial arrangement of cells and gene expression, with the use of color coding red for the gene ‘even skipped’ (eve) and green for ‘snail’ (sna) to distinguish between different gene expressions. This approach provides an intuitive understanding of the physical form of the embryo and the spatial distribution of gene expression, capturing intricate biological processes in a visually digestible format. Then it transitions from a full 3D model to a 2D cylindrical projection, as seen in the image on the right, to simplify the data for analytical purposes. The annotations indicating the orientation of the embryo (anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral) are clear, helping in the spatial understanding of the data. This transformation from a three-dimensional shape to a two-dimensional plane allows for easier comparison and analysis of gene expression patterns across the entire surface of the embryo.

However, while the transformation retains spatial relationships, it may introduce distortions that could affect the interpretation of the data. The cylindrical projection, although effective in displaying a full view of the embryo’s surface, might compress or stretch certain areas, potentially misleading the viewer regarding the true intensity or distribution of gene expression. Furthermore, the color blending in areas of overlapping gene expression could be more distinct to avoid ambiguity in regions where both genes are expressed. I think additional tools or supplementary visualizations that allow for quantification of gene expression, perhaps through heatmaps or graphs, could enhance the analytical value of these visualizations.

Figure 3 in the paper

This visualization presented in Figure 3 offers a detailed examination of the expression pattern of the giant (gt) gene, utilizing several statistical approaches to analyze and interpret the data. We can analyze them individually.

Spatial Structure and Cluster Analysis (a)

The unrolled view in (a) presents a color-coded cluster distribution that delineates the spatial expression pattern of the gt gene. The use of distinct colors to represent different clusters (with red and orange highlighting the centers of expression regions, and other colors marking the boundaries) gives a clear visual separation of the areas of interest. This segmentation into clusters provides an immediate visual interpretation of the complex spatial relationships between the gene expression zones, which is a strength of this visualization.

However, while the differentiation between clusters is well executed, I think the choice of colors adjacent on the color wheel (red and orange) may be challenging for individuals with color vision deficiencies to differentiate. Additionally, the spatial representation is simplified into a 2D plane again, which may obscure some nuances of the three-dimensional gene expression patterns.

Average Expression Profiles (b)

The line plot (b) depicting average expression profiles is useful for comparing the expression levels of multiple genes across clusters. This comparison allows for an immediate visual assessment of the interrelationship between gene expressions, which is important for understanding gene regulation dynamics.

Nevertheless, the complexity of multiple overlapping lines can make it difficult to track individual gene expression trends, especially where the lines intersect or closely run parallel. This could be mitigated by interactive elements that allow the viewer to isolate specific gene profiles or adjust the visibility of each gene’s curve.

Box-Plot Expression Comparison (c)

The box-plot (c) provides a statistical overview of the hb gene expression across the clusters, offering insights into the distribution, median, and variability. Box-plots are a robust tool for such comparisons, as they summarize key statistical measures at a glance.

The limitation of the box-plot is that it abstracts the data, potentially concealing underlying patterns or outliers that could be critical to understanding the biological implications. However, having the other plots does make this a non-issue here.

Color/Transparency Histogram (d)

Finally, the color/transparency histogram (d) employs a heat map approach to represent the number of cells with specific gene expression levels within cluster p 2. This method efficiently conveys density information, with color intensity indicating the frequency of cells.

However, the blending of colors to represent overlapping gene expressions may be difficult to interpret, potentially requiring a clearer legend or an alternative approach to differentiate the data points. We can see this at the end where it becomes difficult to distinguish the colors.

In conclusion, this visualization group utilizes multiple methods to convey complex gene expression data effectively. Each component provides a unique perspective on the data, from spatial distribution to statistical analysis. However, considerations for colorblind-friendly design, data complexity, and the inclusion of interactive elements could enhance the interpretability and utility of the visualizations.

Many following visualizations use one or more components of these, so I will refrain from discussing them again.

Figure 13 in the paper

The visualization in Figure 13 provides an intricate view of gene expression patterns, showcasing the relationship between the expression of eve and other genes like Kr, gt, and hb. The image is a combination of an unrolled view of gene expression patterns and a scatterplot, which together aim to reveal spatial and quantitative data about gene expression within cells.

The scatterplot is a great choice for representing multidimensional data, allowing readers to discern the complex relationships between multiple gene expressions. The use of different colors for each cluster enhances the visual distinction between data groups, and the clear labeling of each gene along the axes aids in orienting the viewer. By plotting the cells in this multidimensional space, the scatterplot illuminates patterns and correlations that might not be visible in other forms of data representation. The stripes that represent different clusters of eve expression form distinct groupings in the scatterplot, suggesting a potential relationship between eve and the displayed genes. This is a strong visual method for conveying how clusters in physical space correspond to patterns in expression space.

If I had to make a small critique, I would point out that while the color differentiation helps in separating clusters, the gray coloring for cells not selected by any cluster may cause these data points to recede into the background, potentially leading to an underestimation of their relevance. Additionally, the 3D scatterplot can be challenging to interpret from a static image, as it may obscure some data points behind others, depending on the angle of view. This might necessitate interactive capabilities to rotate the view for comprehensive analysis.

Rubel, Oliver, et al. “Integrating data clustering and visualization for the analysis of 3d gene expression data.” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 7.1 (2008): 64–79.


1. What advantages do 3D visualizations offer over 2D visualizations in the context of biological data analysis, and what are the key considerations when designing 3D visualization tools?

2. How can clustering algorithms be visually represented to enhance the understanding of their grouping logic and outcomes, especially in complex data sets like gene expression data?

3. In data visualization, how important is the interactivity feature for the analysis process, and what are some examples of interactive functionalities that can significantly aid in data exploration?

4. The use of spatial information is critical in many scientific domains. How can visualization techniques be adapted or developed to better convey spatial relationships and patterns within data?

