‘Big Mike’ and the claims that Michelle Obama is a transgender woman

Kisho Watanabe
14 min readJun 11, 2020

It’s not uncommon when operating on the outside of mainstream political discource or alt-right circles to hear theories about Michelle Obama being a biological male masquerading as a woman or transgender. Whether its implied in thanksgiving dinner table conversations gone awry or as further proof of a deep-state agenda on back-page message boards, a good deal of evidence has been produced to support these claims. Claims that for the large part, have gone unvetted.

Because they have gone unchallenged, many have hung on to these claims or indicated the dearth of opposition as tacit admission.

It also does not help that the media in general is overwhelmingly favourable to the Obamas, and to the conspiracy theorist a major publication refuting the claims would seem more like a press release than an investigative piece.

This article will examine this claim, including the strongest available photographic and video evidence. This article will not present contrary evidence that is widely available (i.e., Michelle Obama pregnancy photos, childhood photos, etc.).

In this article I will examine the most ‘mainstream’ claim that Michelle Obama is a transgender woman, a claim made popular through a video produced by Alex Jones which is itself an aggregation of the…

