The “RUG” files
All the story.
Everyone will be able to see the detailed chronology of our history with real links about On reflections, movements and comments from before the launch and subsequent events that lead us to today and to try to contribute shed light on our journey from the beginning to today.
*Date of the event — *Descrition *Person
*Info related, links, original quotes and more.
YEAR 2022
Let’s focus on Aiden (CEO)
TG: @ aidenlas
02/13/2022 — Telegram launch #Aiden
04/25/2022 — Tokenomics I #Aiden
(The telegram message contains a typo, it should say *Liquidity:69% as it appears in X)
Airdrops: 5% = 34.50T
Team: 5% = 34.5T
Reserves &TBD: 6% = 41.4T
Community Oriented Growth: 15% = 103.5T
*ISO Liq: 69% = 476.1T
Total: 690T
*(Initial Shitcoin Offering)
04/26/022 — Website #Aiden
05/02/2022 — Liquidity #Aiden
05/06/2022–1º WL #Aiden
05/11/2022 — “Rug” #Aiden
05/12/2022 —Contract #Aiden
05/29/2022 — Liquidity II #Aiden
06/08/2002 Aryan first mention #Aiden
07/07/2022 — Tokenomics II #Aiden
07/22/2022 — KDswap listing #Aiden
07/22/2022 — Team #Aiden #Aryan
07/27/2022 — Amount raised #Aiden
08/04/2022 — Liquidity from Kdswap to Kaddex #Aiden
08/04/2022 — Kaddex (Mercatus) Listing #Aiden
08/07/2023 — Tempt of lock at KDswap #Aiden
08/09/2022 — “Rug” #Aiden
08/13/2022 — Burn proof of tokens #Aiden
08/14/2022 — About NFT $ from the sale #Aiden
08/14/2022 — NTF royalties #Aiden
08/15/2022 — MCAP at ICO #Aiden
08/20/2022 — Help about NTF
08/21/2022 — Coingecko listing #Coingecko
08/24/2022 — **IMPORTANT, remember this wallet k:ee76..
k:ee7… recived 25000 B Kishk from OUT of presale, It was finished in 06/06/2022 and there is no trace that said wallet was purchased in pre-sale.
Link (Tue, 09 Aug 2022 20:32:11 GMT)
FROM: k:35f..
(k:35f..) was used by Aiden to burn tokens from the NFT sale
Link (Fri, 16 Sep 2022 06:01:41 GMT)
& More…
k:35f.. Recive 460KDA from wallet k:fb8 one minute before k:35f.. sent the 25000B Kishk to k:ee7..
Link (Tue, 09 Aug 2022 20:31:12 GMT)
& before on (Thu, 04 Aug 2022 14:28:35 GMT) also recive fom k:fb8 5296KDA $6090.40 so it´s full linked to the team.
Wallet (k:fb8) was, as we will see later, the one that receives the funds from the presale of the NFTs & it was also used to collect tokens for the pre-sale from May to June 2022 Link
(k:fb8)Interacted before the token launch with the wallet: k:4c6..23a
Said wallet (k:4c6), as is known, is the “Team Wallet” one from which, according to #Aryan, “access was lost” as we will see later in the timeline.
Main wallet (k:ee7)It is also associated with big sells on:
Wed, 25 Jan 2023 21:44:33 GMT
Wed, 24 May 2023 00:11:03 GMT
Thu, 01 Aug 2024 13:12:25 GMT
Thu, 01 Aug 2024 13:17:36 GMT
The destination of the funds sold is THE SAME wallet as the last sale of the person who controlled the team’s wallet on Sat, 03 Aug 2024 20:24:25 GMT (last sale of 60T) , this wallet is not from a DEX, it has few movements, after transferring them to this account founds where diverted to a DEX due to the volume of transactions and then sell the KDA obtained.
Therefore, the link to all accounts that made sales associated with team funds, directly or indirectly, is the wallet.
LINK — Wallet destination of all diverted funds
08/25/2022 — “Rug” #Aiden
At this point the team’s wallet was valued at:
249.452.865.028.410 (Kishk) x 0.08…5497 = 1.371.242,39 KDA (x1.67$) = 2.289.974,80 USD
Why Aiden didnt Rug all then?
The day after was the 1º ATH (0.08..7127) = 2.969.010,45M USD
08/26/2022 — Future AMA #Arian #Aiden
08/29/2022 — Remember wallet k:ee76….? #Aiden
(I don’t know if Aiden was aware of it or not, but this wallet was linked to someone controlling the funds internally.)
An user ask about that founds..
#Aiden’s response..
*(True answer IS: NO was NOT, Someone controlling the funds supplied tokens directly and without control)
8/29/2022 — AMA LIVE #Aryan
09/01/2022 — Reflection #Aiden
09/04/2022 — Development wallet #Aiden
09/12/2022 — NFT fees #Aiden
“all the fees from nft royalties will go towards the project, if we have nothing to spend it on after each quarter, it will go towards buy back and burn”
09/12/2022 — NFT fees #Aiden
10/12/2022 — “Rug” #Arian
10/20/2022 — Add liq. #Aiden
(I may be wrong but this doesn’t seem like the attitude of a scammer.)
11/13/2022 — Asking on Kadena dev Channel #Aiden
Remember this question from Aiden on the Kanena Devs channel about L2 Kuro.
YEAR 2023
Now the story will focus more on Aryan (CM) and less in Aiden since he barely participates in the group
TG: @AryanCM
01/15/2023 — Germany/Austria #Aryan
01/29/2023 — About Kukoin listing #Aryan
02/18/2023 — Asking for KYC #Aryan
(What the hell is that!! Why doesn’t he pass it?)
The myth of the keys begins!!!
The conversation was long, I will put the most relevant, the conversation can be seen on Telegram, in case they delete it I have a backup of everything
04/13/2023 — Lost access #Aryan
(There are no private keys in eckowallet, it’s weird that he didn’t know that what should be backed up is the sheed)
(Well if it’s true, simply having the sheed would have been enough, that excuse doesn’t sound credible.)
And so we were until August 2024 when the wallet was activated again.
Aryan reappeared three months later to announce this
07/10/2023 — New proyect #Aryan
08/28/2023 — Allocation for another proyect #Aiden
09/09/2023 — LAST message from Aiden, he never came back..
Up to that point no funds had been moved on the wallet called “Team Wallet” (LINK) since the date of Thu, 20 Oct 2022 01:07:05 GMT and that was when Aiden bought back 2k after the price dropped from 0.00…5 (10/20/2022) as he said…
12/31/2023 — New proyect #Aryan
Asked again about dev wallet
01/13/2024 — New proyect proposal #Aryan
At this point I could no longer tolerate the situation.
I can understand Aiden disappearing, what I was NOT going to allow was Aryan using the Kishu Ken channel to try a new project, that was already intolerable in my opinion, in addition to being a betrayal.
When he posted that message, I contacted him and told him that it was intolerable, I will not post the images since they are a private conversation, but in short, he told me that it was just a survey to see who was interested.
I repeated that even so I was not going to tolerate what he was doing and that is why I told the group that Aryan posted that message in a personal capacity, that it had nothing to do with Kishu Ken, and when asked, Aryan responded yes.
I didn’t want the community to be confused by using the name Kishu Ken and that this proposal was not related to the group or the direction
The limit had already been reached and I wouldn’t let them use Kishu Ken for they own interest.
You must understand the situation after so much time, all of us, except the scammers, were clinging to what we saw up to that point, it is easy to summarize it in a minute but I am talking about a process that took a long time.
Aiden gradually disappeared, and after him Aryan did too, all this was accentuated more after the famous “loss of access to the team wallet” alleged by Aryan.
We as a community saw that there were no movements in funds, and what made us trust what Aryan said, was that even having a very important value in the market, not a cent of said value had ever been touched.
I myself, like many others in the group, defended that theory given the evidence up to that day.
Obviously we were wrong, but I repeat that it is not a process that took 5 minutes, it was something that was brewing for many months, and I repeat once again, whoever wants to understand what I am saying just has to put things in context and they can come to understand it.
And that day came….
. Sat, 03 Aug 2024 02:42:21 GMT
After 653 days the wallet made a movement (link) k:4c6
02:42:21 GMT (k:4c6)
- All project liquidity in EckoDao was removed. >>>
03:05:21 GMT (k:fb86)
- All project liquidity in Kdswap was removed. >>>
04:10:48 GMT (k:4c6)
- 50T Located on chain 9 were moved to chain number 1. >>>
04:10:48 GMT (k:fb86)
-Then, those founds were diverted to the wallet that was used to raise the pre-sale funds. >>>
04:25:24 GMT (k:4c6)
- 47T Located on chain 12 were moved to chain number 2. >>>
04:41:30 GMT (k:fb86)
- Sold 0.5T on Kdswap >>>
04:44:44 GMT (k:fb86)
-Sold 53.05T on Kdswap >>>
04:49:14 GMT (k:4c6)
-Sold 58.5T of Kishk on EckoDex >>>
k:4c6 remove to k:778 & sell = 16502 KDA
k:fb86 remove to k:778 & sell = 8162 KDA
Total: 24.664 KDA
Stolen from the project and the community
From that moment on, we all knew that they had tried to destroy us, but the worst of all is that it happened slowly, because looking at the destination wallet you can already see that there is also a relationship with other sales in the past months, but unfortunately I can only speculate that it is the same people who are behind it. I can only affirm 100% that these sales are totally related to the team that was behind Aiden and Arian, I also can’t say if they lied and someone accessed a device with access to the wallet, if it was all a lie to sell little by little for months, I have my own theory and it is up to me, here are the facts and let everyone draw the relevant conclusions.
One thing is certain, neither Aiden nor Aryan showed their faces EVER, after everything that happened, that should already give you an indication of what happened.
If a person has nothing to fear, he has no reason to be silent.
Like everyone else, I was very angry that they did this to a project that I had supported from the beginning. I didn’t just think about myself when making the decisions that I made from that moment on; I refused to let them take everything away from us.
I can be a very kind and friendly person, but what I wasn’t willing to do was to have them laugh at me and the whole group and steal from us.
Many people in the group were privately showing me their support for everything I was doing without asking for anything in return, even before what happened in August.
I alone, after seeing that Aryan tried to launch another project in December 23, started a campaign to keep Kishu from falling, I launched a new website and a new account on X ( since Aryan was the CM and never published anything, I had to insist that he publish and correct things that were wrong, I even angrily told him that if he wasn’t going to do anything he should give me control so I could do it, something he always refused to do.
I also participated in a Kadena contest about memes and we won the first place, ( which I raffled among the followers of X to boost followers, the prize was delivered and can be consulted with the Kadena administrators who can attest to it.
All this I say is not for people to thank me because I always do it with enthusiasm, it is simply so that those who read this know that I was always supporting the project and I was not going to let it fall no matter what they did, but I had to make a decision.
Luckily, I have a very good relationship with many people, from simple normal followers to people who are very involved with Kadena.
That is why I came to the decision, after a lot of help and work from people who supported me, to take over the management of the project by personally presenting myself to Kadena and providing the necessary evidence for us to be a KYC project.
The RUG is over, the lies are over, everything that stopped us from growing is over.
As the person responsible for KYC, I am responsible for the blacklist that exists regarding those who control the wallet that had access after 653 days and another one that contains a part of the funds that were diverted in August and that were not sold, by the way, they tried to sell again from both wallets after the block without success of course. The current funds held amount to 120555294117664 + 30000315851431 tokens for a total of approximately 150,555,609,969,095 Kishk
Anyone can see the status of their wallets at any time.
I want to make something clear.
From now on I am responsible for any changes made to the contract and any retained funds.
Those funds will never be used for my personal benefit.
What I did to blacklist those wallets and how I did it is easy to find out if you look for information.
As to who I receive advice and technical help from, this is a private matter. I promised to be reserved in exchange for help and I keep my word because that is my way of being. Someone without a word lacks credibility.
I repeat once again what I said before, the smart contract keys are under my control, the KYC is mine therefore I am responsible.
If anyone finds any errors in the information provided here, I would appreciate it if you let me know. Please understand that there is a lot of data and there may be errors at some point, although I have checked it a couple of times. There is a link in each piece of data to verify its authenticity.
I would also like to tell you that I have a backup of all Telegram conversations, both those of the general group and those held privately with Aiden and Aryan in case they are necessary.
Having said all this, I can only thank you for reading this short/long story. And continue working day by day for Kushk.
Thanks to all.