Teeth Whitening in Dubai Comparing Costs and Results

kishwar adnan
3 min readJun 27, 2024


Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic procedure in Dubai, offering a variety of options to achieve a brighter smile. The costs and results of these treatments can vary widely depending on the method chosen. This guide will help you compare the costs and effectiveness of different Teeth Whitening Costin Dubai.

1. Over-the-Counter Whitening Products

Over-the-counter (OTC) whitening products are the most affordable option for teeth whitening. These products are easily accessible and convenient for at-home use.

a. Whitening Toothpaste and Mouthwash

  • Results: Mild whitening effect by removing surface stains. Best used as a maintenance tool rather than a primary whitening method.
  • Duration: Results may take several weeks to become noticeable, with consistent daily use required.

b. Whitening Strips

  • Results: Noticeable whitening, although not as dramatic as professional treatments. Suitable for mild to moderate stains.
  • Duration: Typically used for 30 minutes a day over a two-week period. Results can last several months with proper care.

c. Whitening Pens and Gels

  • Results: Provides moderate whitening for minor stains. Portable and easy to use for quick touch-ups.
  • Duration: Applied directly to the Teeth Stain Removal, results can be seen within a few weeks.

2. At-Home Whitening Kits

At-home whitening kits prescribed by dentists offer a more customized approach compared to OTC products, with better results.

a. Custom-Made Trays

  • Results: Significant whitening, customized to fit your teeth perfectly, ensuring even application of the whitening gel.
  • Duration: Worn for a few hours each day or overnight for several weeks. Results can last up to a year with proper maintenance.

b. Pre-Made Whitening Kits

  • Results: Provides noticeable results, although not as precise as custom-made trays. Suitable for moderate stains.
  • Duration: Used over a few weeks, with results lasting several months.

3. Professional In-Office Whitening Treatments

Professional in-office treatments offer the most effective and quickest results, performed by dental professionals using advanced techniques.

a. Laser Whitening

  • Results: Immediate and dramatic whitening, ideal for deep and stubborn stains.
  • Duration: Takes about an hour per session. Results are immediate and can last up to two years with proper care.

b. LED Light Whitening

  • Results: Significant whitening, effective for moderate to severe stains.
  • Duration: Takes about an hour, with immediate results. Lasts up to a year with proper maintenance.

c. Basic Whitening Treatments

  • Results: Provides noticeable results, effective for mild to moderate stains.
  • Duration: Takes about an hour, with results visible immediately. Lasts up to a year with proper care.

4. Budget-Friendly Options and Discounts

Some dental clinics in Dubai offer budget-friendly options and discounts to make teeth whitening more accessible.

a. Group Discounts and Special Offers

  • Results: Comparable to standard in-office treatments, with significant whitening effects.
  • Duration: Similar to standard treatments, with results lasting up to a year.

b. Dental Tourism Packages

  • Results: Includes professional whitening along with other dental services, offering comprehensive care.
  • Duration: Results from the whitening procedure can last up to two years with proper maintenance.

6. Tips for Choosing the Right Treatment

  • Evaluate Your Needs: Consider the level of staining on your teeth and how quickly you want results.
  • Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on teeth whitening.
  • Professional Consultation: Consult with a dentist to get personalized advice on the best treatment for your teeth.
  • Maintenance: Ensure you follow good oral hygiene practices to prolong the results of your whitening treatment.

7. Conclusion

Teeth whitening in Dubai offers a range of options to suit different budgets and desired results. From affordable OTC products to advanced professional treatments, you can achieve a brighter smile tailored to your needs. By understanding the costs and effectiveness of each treatment, you can make an informed decision that balances your budget with your whitening goals.

Read more Price Guide Teeth Whitening Treatments in Dubai

