All About NFTs

Kissan Token
1 min readMay 5, 2022


Non-Fungible Tokens: An Overview (NFT)

NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a non-interchangeable token that may be sold and traded on a blockchain.

NFT differs from other crypto tokens in that it is the only one that is encrypted. Although one Bitcoin (BTC) is identical to another, each NFT is distinct. NFT cannot be broken down into smaller blocks.

Some of the most well-known NFT marketplaces

Binance NFT is the world’s largest centralized NFT marketplace, where anybody can browse and trade a wide range of in-game items, virtual land, art pieces, and more for a one-percent trading fee.


People are becoming more habituated to the NFT marketplace as it gains traction in the main digital domain. It allows consumers to either build their own NFT marketplace or sell and buy products on the platform.

Kissan Global Network is a KSN platform built on BEP20 to help people trade profitably. You can start your crypto journey just by downloading the app. For more info, visit the website



Kissan Token

Kissan Global Network is a leading organization in IT enable services and Agriculture Export Business. Visit here