Kiss Nwile
3 min readJun 8, 2022


PATRON DOGE DAF: Saving lives with meme dogs.


The Internet is full of meme communities, but none quite as revolutionary as the Patron doge autonomous nft meme community. If you haven't heard of Patron doge autonomous nft meme community, don't worry, but just know that you're missing out on something great. With this blog I'll be exploring the Patron doge, the memes they post, and how it came to be.

A Meme that Makes the World a Better Place: The Patron doge is a meta-meme that works in 2 parts. First, the Patron doge community has dogs saves human lives itself, protects, saves and secures the People of the World. Second, the Patron doge autonomous protects, saves and secures the People of the World by transforming the People of the World into legendary Dogs who themselves are unstoppable meme-beasts.

This platform allows its users to have the freedom of being able to interact with other meme-loving individuals while also having the ability to save lives and earn rewards by using the platform's tokens.


The life of a doge was not always so easy and good, though. Doge was born as a normal Shiba Inu, in Japan. But he was, like all shibes, very happy and playful. As he grew older, he became a very nice dog, that everyone loved. The young doge was very smart and funny, and everyone who met him loved him. But one day, a terrible thing happened. Doge's family was in a car accident and died. Doge was only 10 months old, and was all alone in the world. He was still a very happy dog, but he was alone and sad. He did not know what to do, where to go, and who to be. He had no friends and was all alone in the world. He longed for his family and friends, but knew he would never see them again.

0.1% of the 100 trillion tokens are allocated to the charity adoptoin program, which donates tokens to foster dogs without a home. The charity adoptoin program runs on a nft (non-fungible token) BEP20 token, which can be collected and traded to show support for the charity.

Patron doge is an innovative, decentralized nft meme community that is built on the blockchain. This platform allows its users to have the freedom of being able to interact with other meme-loving individuals while also having the ability to save lives and earn rewards by using the platform's tokens. Patron is a tokenized meme community that helps people convert their crypto assets into passive dogecoin income. We are the first of its kind, decentralized autonomous meme community with legendary dogs saving human lives.


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