Writing test code using lit for Swift Compiler

Yusuke Kita
3 min readMar 19, 2019


Hi all, I’m @kitasuke, iOS Engineer.

I summarized how to write test code using lit(LLVM Integrated Tester) for Swift Compiler mainly for myself.

In this post, I’ll use my PR as example. I think this one is a good start to see how we can write test code using lit, because this one really does basic.

See below link for more details.

What to test

I’ll explain what I did in the PR.


I noticed that I got duplicated import declarations for specific ones when I emitted canonical SIL from raw SIL using swiftc like below.

$ swiftc -emit-sil input.silimport Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
import TestModule
import Builtin // duplicatedimport Swift // duplicatedimport SwiftShims // duplicated

Below imports are expected behaviour.

This didn’t break anything, but it’s nice to remove duplicated one. That’s what I did in my PR.

Test code using lit

Here is my test code using lit.

What we wanted to test is to check if there are any duplicated imports using lit.

// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: touch %t/empty.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -module-name TestModule %t/empty.swift -o %t
// RUN: %target-sil-opt %s -I=%t | %FileCheck %s
sil_stage rawimport Builtin
import Swift
import TestModulefunc foo() {}// CHECK: import Builtin
// CHECK: import Swift
// CHECK-NOT: import Builtin
// CHECK-NOT: import Swift{{$}}
// CHECK: import TestModule

I’ll explain one by one.


lit executes specified command right after RUN:.

%empty-directory(%t) creates empty directry under tmp name which %t generates for test.

touch %t/empty.swift creates empty empty.swift file under the directory.

%target-swift-frontend -emit-module -module-name TestModule %t/empty.swift -o %t generates TestModulemodule which contains the empty file.

%target-sil-opt %s -I=%t | %FileCheck %s executes sil-opt with import search path added by -I option and pass the output to %FileCheck in specified %s path.


sil-opt is a module dedicated for SIL.

In this case, raw SIL is input.

sil_stage rawimport Builtin
import Swift
import TestModulefunc foo() {}

If you run %target-sil-opt %s -I=%t without the fix, you get below raw SIL.

sil_stage rawimport Builtin
import Swift
import Builtinimport Swiftimport SwiftShimsimport TestModulefunc foo() {}


FileCheck reads two files (one from standard input, and one specified on the command line) and uses one to verify the other. This behavior is particularly useful for the testsuite, which wants to verify that the output of some tool (e.g. llc) contains the expected information (for example, a movsd from esp or whatever is interesting). This is similar to using grep, but it is optimized for matching multiple different inputs in one file in a specific order.

CHECK: checks if specified string is contained. CHECK-NOT: checks if specified string is NOT contained. {{pattern}}can be used for regular expression for the string.

First two CHECK:s check if there are import Builtin and import Swift.

Next two CHECK-NOT:s check if there are NOT import Builtin and import Swift{{$}}. In case there are duplicated imports here, this test is failed.

Last CHECK: checks if there is import TestModule.

How to test

Run below command to test specific file. In this case, build directory is Ninja-DebugAssert for Debug environment.

$ utils/run-test --build-dir ../build/Ninja-DebugAssert test/SIL/import-decls.sil

If you want to skip building again, add --build=skip option.

Then, you can see the test passed.

Expected Passes    : 1


This might be first time to see test code using lit, but it’s less difficult than expected. In this case, you see SIL file as input, but swift code can be input as well.

If you are interested in test code for Swift Compiler, I highly recommend to check out test directory. I think it makes us understand the compiler better if we could also understand what test code does.

Happy testing using lit!

