Kitsune — Raid 2 Earn

Kitsune Dev
6 min readMar 25, 2024

To inaugurate the open-beta launch of Raid 2 Earn, abbreviated as “R2E”, this article has been written to serve as an introductory guide. Its objective is to shed some light on R2E as a novel concept, explain how to interact with the Kitsune R2E Bot, and outline our plans for future development.

What is R2E?

For those unfamiliar with R2E or new to Kitsune, R2E is a new token earning mechanism designed to incentivise users to engage with tweets posted in Telegram channels by the Kitsune Raid Bot.

Raiders earn the Kitsune ecosystem token $KIT by participating in raids, this involves liking, retweeting and/or replying to tweets posted by the Kitsune Raid Bot in the Kitsune Telegram channel or the channels of partnered projects. Every 24 hours, raiders are automatically airdropped a quantity of $KIT corresponding to the total number of engagements logged during this period.

The motivation behind R2E was simple. As the space expands, the number of projects seeking promotion through X/Twitter engagements can be expected to grow proportionally. Therefore, raids are an ideal means of providing organic engagements for these projects, it only makes sense that those who are effectively providing this service should reap some type of reward.

A portion of all revenue generated from advertisements will be channelled directly back into the $KIT ecosystem in the form of buybacks. These tokens will subsequently be redistributed through R2E and staking pools, with a fixed percentage being burned. Through this approach, we intend to foster a healthy and sustainable token ecosystem wherein the token price gradually deflates over time.

It’s simple: the more active R2E raiders there are, the greater the demand from other projects, ergo, the more we can give back to our community.

How to start raiding: A step-by-step guide

To begin R2E you will need to join the Kitsune Telegram and have an X/Twitter account. After verifying with Kitsune Tengu, enter the command /R2E or /r2e in the chat, and click the prompt “Go to R2E Bot”.

The Kitsune R2E Bot will open a private channel with you, displaying an easily navigable user interface as illustrated below. You can return to this interface at any time by entering /home in the chat. If you do not see the interface below immediately enter /start in the chat.

Home interface for R2E, to return to this display enter “/home” in chat
Home UI for R2E, to return to this address enter /home in the chat

It is important to have messages enabled; otherwise the Kitsune R2E Bot will be unable to open a private channel with you. The R2E Bot will only ever message you from the handle @KitsuneR2EBot, it is strongly recommended that you ignore and delete messages from any other handles that imitate the R2E Bot.

The R2E Bot will provide you with your own Solana wallet address. Although this wallet is secure, it should be considered to be a hot wallet, furthermore it is advised for you to regularly transfer $KIT to your primary wallet.

To transfer $KIT, you will need to send a small amount of $SOL to this wallet to cover network fees. $KIT and $SOL balances are shown in the dialogue box above the buttons.

To export your private key, select the “Export PK” button and import it to your browser wallet. If you do not have a browser-based Solana wallet, we recommend either Phantom or Solflare. You must never share your private key with anyone, including Kitsune affiliated staff. Private keys are protected by the AE256 encryption and cannot be accessed by anyone.

For $KIT rewards to be registered with your X/Twiter username, enter /settwitter in the chat, with your handle, i.e. /settwitter kitsunetokensol. This cannot be updated easily; so it is important that you reply with the correct formatting.

Selecting the “R2E Stats” button will display values for your engagements and earnings, both daily and total. If you wish to cancel at any time, simply enter /cancel in the console and for more information enter /help.

The $KIT Reward System

Every 24 hours $KIT is distributed from the airdrop wallet address. This allocation is adjustable such that if there is a higher number of active raiders, the rewards can be increased.

Different types of engagement are favoured differently by the X/Twitter algorithm and have been weighted accordingly. Each day, users accumulate a score based off of these weighted engagement parameters which determine their airdrop.

The R2E mechanism is one of several sources of token inflow in the wider tokenomics model for Kitsune. A comprehensive technical overview of this model will be detailed in the upcoming whitepaper.

R2E Stats display with daily and historical engagement records, $KIT earnings and USD conversion

Future Development and Closing Remarks

As previously stated, this is an open-beta, and we, the team behind Kitsune, acknowledge this as just the beginning. There will inevitably be some bugs, fixes and improvements to be made to R2E, as this is a completely new concept to Web3 and we are now venturing forth into previously uncharted territory. We request that you report any issues to staff in the Kitsune Telegram so that the development team may address them. A bounty program allocation of $KIT has also been set aside for anyone forthcoming with helpful suggestions themselves.

In the short term, we will continue to make changes to improve the R2E UI to encourage a more seamless user experience. Additionally, we have also configured the database storing user data to support a Raider Leaderboard, which will be showcased on the new and updated Kitsune website.

Preliminary mockup for improved UI

In the wider picture, in addition to increasing the multifunctionality of the Kitsune Bot Suite, we intend to run Kitsune in the Telegram channels of our partners at Shinobi, DOJO and SumoSwap. In the long-term, we envision the Raid Bot being globally available, so that raids can be broadcasted to any user who or group hosting the Raid Bot. The ultimate vision in this regard is chain agnosticism, where Kitsune will have the capacity to facilitate tokens on any blockchain and be utilised by other communities.

Lastly, with respect to engagement weighting, whilst this model employs metrics based on the X/Twitter algorithm, we believe that integrating an AI element could further advance this concept. The quality and effectiveness of engagements can be retrieved and assessed according to an AI model, which applies a multiplier to the engagement weights.

So there is work to be done, bots to be engineered and space to be explored. We, at Kitsune, would like to extend our gratitude to the community that has allowed us to set these goals for ourselves, without you we would be nothing. It is your unwavering support that motivates us above all else to pioneer in this space so on the behalf of the entire Kitsune team, thank you!

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