Kitsune - Raid Suite Guide (Abridged)

Kitsune Dev
4 min readMay 22, 2024


This is an abridged version of the Gitbook Kitsune Raid Suite Guide, intended to provide a concise set of instructions for adding the Raid Suite to your Telegram group. For a complete understanding of its use and utility, we recommend studying the full guide.

What is the Raid Suite?

Put simply, the Raid Suite is a combination of three bots; The Raid Bot, the R2E Bot and the Raid Admin Bot. Each contributes to the functionality of the “Raid 2 Earn” (R2E) token reward mechanism, which allows group administrators to airdrop tokens to users who engage in X/Twitter raids.

The Raid Suite can be used, for free, in any Telegram group with any Solana token.

Setup Instructions

Follow the step-by-step instructions outlined below in order to add the Raid Suite to your Telegram group. Ensure that there is at least one other group admin, and that you use the Telegram application for this process.

  • Add the Kitsune Raid Bot to your Telegram group and promote it to admin with full permissions.
  • Add the Kitsune Raid Admin Bot to the same Telegram group and promote it to admin with full permissions.
  • Initialise the Setup Wizard by typing “/wizard” in the chat, this will return the button pictured below.
  • Select the “Go to Raid Admin” button to open a channel with the Raid Admin.
  • Press the Start button in the top right hand corner before entering “/setup” in the chat.
  • The Raid Admin will prompt you to “Select a group for R2E”, use the dropdown menu to the right of the chatbox and select the desired group.
  • You will now be prompted to “Set a contract address”, paste your token contract address into the chat. This can always be changed after the setup is complete.
  • Upon confirmation you will now be asked to “Import a wallet” or “Create a wallet”. Importing a wallet will require you to paste a private key from an existing Solana wallet into the chat. Creating a wallet will autogenerate a Solana keypair, this is your “Aidrop wallet”.
  • The Kitsune Raid Suite Setup is now complete and you will be redirected to the Raid Admin Dashboard. Good hunting!
Raid Admin Dashboard

Airdrops & Allocations

Airdrops and allocations are manually administrated through the interface with the Raid Admin.

The command “/allocation” assigns a quantity of tokens that will be distributed in the next airdrop. This can be changed any time before the airdrop is initiated but must be equal to or less than the number of tokens in the Airdrop wallet.

The command “/airdrop” will begin airdropping tokens to users who have participated in R2E since the previous airdrop, the number of tokens they are allocated is determined by an “R2E Score” which is the sum of their weighted engagements. Once an airdrop is started it cannot be cancelled.

Ensure that the Raid Admin wallet has a balance of at least 0.1 SOL in order to cover transaction fees. If your balance is below 0.1, you will be unable to make airdrops.

When the airdrop is complete, the Raid Admin will post a message saying “Airdrop completed with status SUCCESS”. You will need to set a new allocation now as after each airdrop the value resets to zero.

To view a full history of your airdrops, in addition to their progress use the command “/airdroplist”.

/airdroplist history

How much you allocate to your community is purely up to the discretion of the Admin and their generosity.

Closing Remarks

This article is only intended to provide a preliminary explanation of the Kitsune Raid Suite. For an in-depth understanding we recommend referring to the Gitbook document, as this might provide details not covered in the above text.

A full list of commands, explanation of the $KIT ecosystem, Premium, R2E, and details on how to set Raids can also be found in the aforementioned document.

