Kitty Kad Gen 1s (breeding) details

Kitty Kad Token
4 min readJun 15, 2022


It’s me, Purfessor K. here again with an important update. We’ve finally understood how breeding works for Kitty Kads!

This article is quite detailed in nature. In a future article I will go over the benefits of holding a Gen 1 kitty (one made via breeding) and how they fit into the bigger ecosystem

In a future article I’ll cover what Gen 1s mean for the broader Kitty Kad ecosystem

Some Background

Kitty Kad Gen 0 NFTs appeared in Kadena a few months ago. These were 10,000 unique kitties with physical traits and items. We knew they could be bred, but didn’t know the details. However now we know!

How Breeding Works

Lets get into the details of how all this works (don’t worry it’ll be kept PG)

Only 20,000 Gen 1s can ever exist

The kitties live on the Katena island, which can only sustain 30,000 kitties. Since there are 10,000 Gen 0s, that means only 20,000 Gen 1s can ever exist.

Children pay royalties to their parents

These kitties really believe in helping the elders. Whenever a Gen 1 kitty is traded, it will pay ~1% ( exact amount TBC) of the trade price to each parent.

Two kitties can make a new kitty

This is pretty straight forward, I hope

They inherit random genes and items from the parents

Each kitty may end up looking like its parent. Though each trait has at least 2 genes for it. It could be possible that it inherits a previously dormant gene from one of the parents and looks a bit different.

Items are also inherited, but just like genes, they may not always make it as a gift to the children

Genes get mutated

The genes can mutate during breeding. This means its possible for some features to look a bit different or to potentially unlock complete new features for kitties.

The same applies for items, the parents might get their children different items to the ones that they have.

At least one Gen 0 kitty must be involved

Then Gen 0 kitties are the best at reproducing by the looks of it…

Kitties aren’t gendered

You don’t need to worry about whether you have a male or a female Kitty Kad NFT. They have a completely different way of breeding to normal cats which we don’t quite understand, but who are we to question them.

All child kitties are Gen 1s

If you breed two Gen 0s or Gen 0 and a Gen 1, you will get a Gen 1 kitty. Keep in mind that two Gen 1s can never breed together (as mentioned above)

Phew, that’s a lot of text. here’s a funky kitty to energise you to keep reading

Now onto the rest of the details

1 KDA to breed

Each kitty needs premium treatment at the kitty hospital to give birth, which costs roughly 1 KDA. Luckily the kitties only transact in KDA and don’t care about the price in USD.

You can breed kitties you own

If you own the kitties, you’ll be able to breed them

You can pimp out your kitties

If you think your kitty would make a good mate, you can pimp it out and charge a fee for other people’s kitties to breed with it.

Your kitties can breed with pimped out kitties

If you want a rare trait that another kitty has, you can breed with them, for a fee.

There are breeding cooldowns

Kitties need a break, after all, they’re not rabbits.

Gen 1s have longer cooldowns

As mentioned earlier, the Gen 0s just seem to be better at reproducing

Gen 1s are not guaranteed to be unique
This is because there’s no guarantee that breeding will result in unique kitties. While the chances are low that any two kitties will be similar, its not 0.

That’s it! I’m sure you’re waiting to start growing your Kitty Kad NFT family. More updates and announcements coming over the coming weeks

^ Little kitty waiting for more updates



Kitty Kad Token

Kitty Kad — A meme token, NFT game and price tracker on the Kadena blockhain. Helping develop the Kadena ecosystem one cat at a time