Welcome to our third edition of The Kitty Letter! Publishing biweekly*, you can look forward to updates from the Kitty project’s development, creative, and marketing departments. We’ll also feature new graphics, ongoing contests, and team member spotlights. Subscribe to our Medium blog to receive the latest updates!

Development | Creative | Marketing Blitz | Kommunity Korner | FAQ


On Sunday, we celebrated Kitty’s 6 month anniversary! We’re really proud of how far we’ve come in such a short period of time and are so excited to continue this journey with you for decades to come!

And yes, the website, complete with the downloadable single player demo, is still on track to launch by the end of Monday! (Who’s ready to play KittyKart!?) We’ve gone to great lengths to create a new website that fully exemplifies who we are and what we are capable of building. Hang in there a few more days. It’ll be well worth the wait–we promise!


We’ve been channeling all of our energy toward polishing the creative elements of the new website: graphics, layout, flow, etc. We hope you’ll enjoy your new digital home as much as we’ve enjoyed building it!

Marketing Blitz

Thanks to all who tuned in on Sunday for the AMA hosted by Erica from Gokhshtein Media. Ace and Desi shared insight into the development of KittyKart, the team’s vision for 9VRSE, and more.

A few highlights:

  • Ace talked about some of the factors the development team has considered to ensure KittyKart is fair, functional, and enjoyable for all. For example, when looking at the different ways one might choose to play the game, they thought about what would happen if a player decided to sit in the corner of the map and snipe. This wouldn’t be fair gameplay, so they had to figure out how to implement safeguards against it. The development team truly is being quite thorough in considering every possible contingency for delivering a stellar AAA-quality game!
  • Ace provided an overview of the storyline that inspired the first two tracks and dropped some alpha info about the inspiration behind the third: “to the moon.”
  • Desi outlined our efforts to streamline communications and improve community engagement, such as moving to Discord where topics can be organized into channels, the implementation of The Kitty Letter, etc. Her enthusiasm and love for the community is contagious!

We hope you found the AMA informative and engaging. If you missed it, don’t worry, you can listen to the recording here.

Also, in preparation for the launch of our new website and single player demo, we’re lining up influencers from all over the world to help us spread the word. Most recently, we’ve partnered with two popular YouTubers from India. We’re ready for Kitty to become a worldwide phenomenon!

Kommunity Korner
Kitty Krew Spotlight

It’s always important to have members we can trust to keep our community safe, engaged, and well-informed. This week we would like to highlight Simon, aka Yellowtangs, as a valued moderator of our Telegram community! He always delivers Kitty information with outstanding clarity and knows how to keep the energy flowing throughout the day. If you haven’t had a chance to chat with Simon yet, maybe you didn’t join the correct Telegram room, because he always welcomes everyone with great enthusiasm! Recently, Simon went the extra mile and created his own YouTube channel to outline the nature and scope of the Kitty project as well as track and discuss all future updates. We truly appreciate his effort and are certainly looking forward to more episodes! Check it out below:

Kitty x Sim Jim Competition Highlights

Last week, our Twitter community put their artistic skills to the test in our Kitty x Slim Jim meme competition. Even though we’re not partnered with Slim Jim, our community made sure that Kitty fit right into their Meataverse! While the winner was determined by the community, we were so impressed with the submissions that we wanted to feature a few of our favorites. Check out the team’s honorable mentions below:

Kitty rocking the entire Slim Jim outfit! –submitted by @niahCeV
Slim Jim lunchbox for kids! Jk…we secretly want one, too –submitted by @KittyKart Racing
(Fueled by Slim Jim, Kitty crushes Shib! –submitted by @RudeBoyApe)

Join our Discord as we are always up to something fun! We host game nights every Wednesday & Saturday and have an ongoing fan-art competition, where one lucky winner is chosen every week to win $100 worth of BNB!

Hint for this Saturday’s photo quiz: “One does not simply…KNOW memes.


DrFreak asked: “Are we going to have a Twitter space at the time of the launch of the website?”

Yes! We will be planning a Twitter Spaces event a few days after the launch of the website. Make sure to drop in to celebrate this huge milestone with us! Stay tuned for details on date and time.

Thank you for joining us for the third edition of our weekly newsletter. Stay tuned, and be sure to subscribe to our Medium blog for more updates!

— The Kitty Team

*Editor’s note: Upon reviewing the resources required to publish The Kitty Letter on a weekly basis, we’ve decided that biweekly publication will be more sustainable for us at this time. It will also allow us to provide you with the comprehensive status updates you deserve. Similarly, we will be transitioning the Web3 blogs to a biweekly format as well. Thank you for understanding and, as always, we truly appreciate your support!



Kitty Inu - Welcome to the 9VRSE ecosystem

The 9VRSE is a thematic metaverse, a collection of virtual spaces designed for users to play, experience, explore, & monetize their content with others.