5 Simple Ways to Nourish Your Creativity

Kitty Ireland
3 min readMar 3, 2019
Photo by Kris Chin on Unsplash

Humans are creative by nature, and if you are not using your creativity life can feel very bland indeed. But sadly, we may not have lives or jobs that nurture our creativity on a daily basis. Here are a few examples of things you can do to give your life a creative boost.

The Photo Stroll

The photo stroll can be a lovely solo activity or something to do with a friend or two. Most of us have pretty fancy cameras in our pockets wherever we go, and seeking out those instagrammable shots can activate your creative brain. Take a walk for a few blocks in your neighborhood and see how many interesting shots you can find. You might find new beauty in the familiar. Definitely plan time for this when you travel. Nobody needs another shot of the Eiffel tower, but you might find some interesting street art down a side street or alley. Find destinations that are interesting to photograph and make a day of it. My photographer friend and I like to head out to abandoned buildings and small towns.

Morning (or Afternoon or Evening) Pages

The practice of writing longhand for three solid pages minimum each morning was introduced by Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way. There is something special about writing longhand, and the connection between your hand and the creative part of your…

