The saddest “Just Ship It” story everThe story of how I dragged a product launch for too long so I ended up paying for a competitor product. Don’t be like me.Jun 30, 20201Jun 30, 20201
Killing my social media addictionOnce you win your willpower, focus, and concentration back — your creativity can be limitless.Dec 2, 20193Dec 2, 20193
GitHub stars won’t pay your rentLessons learned and mistakes made while turning an open-source project into a profitable SaaS product.Aug 10, 201985Aug 10, 201985
How I tricked my brain into working out 24 times in 30 daysThe huge difference between discipline and motivationJun 25, 201714Jun 25, 201714
⚡️ From React to an Electron app ready for productionHow to easily add Electron support to a Reacct app generated by create-react-appJun 13, 201752Jun 13, 201752
Introducing Sizzy —A tool for developing responsive websites crazy-fastThe story of how I got tired of the default developer tools and made a better responsive design tool in 10 hours.Apr 28, 201749Apr 28, 201749
How it actually feels to write JavaScript in 2016Hey, I need to create a page that displays the latest activity from the users, so I just need to get the data from the REST endpoint and…Oct 4, 201623Oct 4, 201623
Configure create-react-app without ejecting ⏏If you’re working with React, you’re probably familiar with the create-react-app tool by now. If you’re not: it’s an official command line…Sep 26, 201626Sep 26, 201626
JS Coding Challenge #1 — Test your skills 🤔Hey hey! Here’s the deal. I was trying to recreate the “OK Google” microphone animation with CSS3 animations + aphrodite, and in React i…May 28, 20164May 28, 20164