How Nazis Use Fat to Excuse Violence

Dispatches from the front lines of the war on my body.

Kivan Bay
7 min readFeb 7, 2018

Content Note: Nazis, fat hate, murder

Your body belongs to the nation!
Your body belongs to the Führer!
You have the duty to be healthy!
Food is not a private matter!
-Nazi slogans (referenced in The Nazi War on Cancer, Robert N. Proctor, p 120)

On August 12, 2017, Heather Heyer was murdered by a white nationalist terrorist who hit her with a Dodge Challenger while she marched against the rise of hate in the United States. Her cause of death seems fairly straight-forward, and was witnessed by multiple people. But Nazis couldn’t let it go. In the dark reaches of the internet, they clutched at two points about Heather. The first is that she has no children. The second is that she was fat.

The Daily Stormer in particular wrote a disgusting piece that basically boiled down to Heyer deserving to die because she was fat. It was so awful that GoDaddy, their hosting site, decided enough was finally enough and booted them. But the Daily Stormer didn’t stay gone for long.

In September of 2017, this article was posted.



Kivan Bay

No one of consequence. Brave compared to some. Writes stuff on twitter. A guy now.