Ecological, Ethical, and Economically Sustainable: Meet Chez Nous Farm

Kiva Columbus
3 min readJun 25, 2018


by Sanjana Chidambaram

“The whole local food phenomenon — it’s not an industry,” says Chez Nous Farm owner Caroline McColloch, “It’s a social movement.”

Built on the foundation of organic processes and family-based business, Chez Nous Farm in Piqua, Ohio aims to bring nutrient dense food to local markets. Another key goal is to educate visitors about traditional farming, ecosystems, nutrition, and health.

Chez Nous Farm in Piqua, Ohio

Ten years ago, when she read Michael Pollan’s “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”, Caroline’s thinking about the food industry was transformed. The Pollan book emphasizes the importance of ethical, organic and sustainable food:

After uncovering more of the systemic issues in food production and distribution, Caroline was inspired to reinvigorate the family inheritance passed on to her from her grandparents: their farm, “Chez Nous”, French for “Our Home”. At age 57, with a background in conservation education and limited farming experience, Caroline began planting the seeds for her own development as part of the new breed of farmer: using modern innovations to create a small scale, diverse, clean food production system based on ecological principles.

For a year and a half, she educated herself extensively through the year-long “Begin Farming” course offered by the Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association (OEFFA). The course has been instrumental in her research and decision making skills, while adding professional collaborations and a much needed mentoring relationship. Caroline says that she wanted to do it right: “I’ve been devoted to building this farming operation for a long time. I have a profound sense of honor for what was given to me.”

Chez Nous Farm Raspberries

Caroline came into a roadblock when it came to financing her business. Despite her good credit rating, she was unable to secure a loan from a traditional bank, having not had a conventional source of income for some time because of care giving commitments. When OEFFA promoted the Kiva loan program, she jumped on the opportunity. She applied and received a Kiva loan at a 0% interest rate to help finance her growing system, conserve her remaining capital, and develop credit for business operations.

Going into harvest this year, Caroline is focusing on organically-produced raspberries for sale. Late next year, she hopes to expand and produce honey and goat meat.

In the long term, Caroline intends to contribute meaningfully to economic wellbeing in Piqua by continuing to patronize local vendors and employ people unable to secure typical work.

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And, check out the OEFFA website here!



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